Thursday, January 27, 2011

Our Week

We have had a somewhat uneventful week so far.  For the first time, Emma passed on her cold to me, so I am trying to get it gone in a hurry!
My Grandma has been having pretty bad headaches again for about 3 weeks, so she got another CT Scan, and we went on Tuesday to hear the results.  The good news is, is that there is no new blood, but she still has some of the original blood that they didn't remove.  So no more surgeries for right now.  The not so good news, is that her Doctor is a complete jerk.  We were literally still asking him questions as he was walking out the door.  So we are going to start over at Barrows.  We are currently working on getting her an appointment with one of their Neurologists and we will see what they have to say.
After we took Grandma home so she could rest, my Mom ventured with Emma and I to the candy store.  We were hoping to get some candy to do a candy buffet, but it was a little pricier then expected.  But it was still fun to look at ALL the candy they had.  If you wanted something special or in a particular color, this is the place to go.  Here are some pictures of the store.

Emma has been a handful this week.  I am not sure if she is trying to get back into the routine from being sick all last week, or if she is in the "terrible two's" and we are in for it!  She has a tendency to be very stubborn and VERY strong willed, but this week has been ridiculous!  Whenever I tell her no, or she gets in trouble, (think every 15 minutes!) she let's out an ear piercing scream, and then either throws what ever is in her hand or hits me!  I have tried to stay calm, and handle appropriately, but it just gets so frustrating.  Then combine this with my sinuses pounding, I didn't do such a good job yesterday.  I yelled and spanked her more then I wanted to.  I don't want to yell at all.  I really don't think it accomplishes anything.  I am ok with the spanking, but since we are having issues with her hitting, I am using it as a last resort.  Like when she is in time out ( I think I need to start physically leaving her there, but can't figure out how to get her to stay) and I am briefly explaining why she is there.  "We don't hit mommy.  That makes mommy sad".  Then she hits me.  THAT is when I give her a little smack on the hand or but.
Oh this child of mine!  I know I made her out to sound horrible right now, but she really is a good baby.  She behaves extremely well in public, and she can have a complete melt down one minute, but then be sweet and loving the next.
I think I am going to "spice" up our daily routine a little next week and go for a walk around the neighborhood in the mornings, and then do some kind of different activity in the afternoon.  Maybe playdough, water color, etc.  Maybe she is just getting bored at home.  I don't know.
Anyways....we have a exciting weekend ahead.  We are meeting our friends Amanda and Aidan at the railroad park tomorrow in Scottsdale, then Saturday is London's Run with Jessica, Sophia, my Mom, and Shelly.
I will be back with lots of fun pictures!

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