Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Our theme this year at work was decades. I decided to dress in disco/70's attire. My brother and I had a Halloween box growing up that mom would put old clothes in for us to make our own costumes. The shirt I wore today was actually one of hers from the 70's! The funny thing that I wasn't expecting, was everyone LOVED it. They kept asking me where I got it and kept saying that I could wear it today. It was very comfortable, but I don't think it will be making a repeat performance unless it's Halloween or a theme day!

I set up different stations around the clinic and took all the patients trick-or-treating. They had a lot of fun and got a lot of candy! Their parents were saying that they wouldn't need to go tonight! It has been fun all week long seeing the kids come in their costumes.

Our plan tonight is to have a quite night at home and pass out candy to any trick-or-treaters that come our way. The only thing we haven't figured out is what to do with.....

JD and Brandy do not do well when someone comes to the door. We are also worried about them running out when we open it. I know, we trained them so well! Robert's idea was that we could pass out candy drive through style and hand it to them through the window in the den. I don't think that will be happening! We will figure out something. Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

12 Weeks!

Here is the most recent picture of our little one! We had our genetics appointment today and everything looked great. This appointment looked for heart defects, downs syndrome and Trisomy 18. From looking at the ultra sound alone, they said everything looked great and we have a 70% chance that our baby won't have these. They also did some blood work and as long as that comes back ok, we move up to 85% that the baby won't have these birth/chromosome defects.
The people at the doctors were very nice. We got some really great views of our little one. The baby seemed to always have one hand waving at us and the other behind it's head. The legs pretty much stayed crossed at the ankles until the ultra sound tech made the baby mad by pushing hard on the ultra sound wand and moving it back and forth really fast. She said they did this to make sure the baby has movement in it's arms and legs. And boy was the baby mad! The arms started waving, the legs became outstretched, and the little body moved up and down! Not only did we get to see our baby move, but we also got a really good look at one of the legs. We could see the upper leg, the knee, and then the little foot. It's amazing the difference in just 5 weeks. No longer our little gummy bear!
The place gave us quite a few pictures (my favorite are the profile), and even a video of the whole visit. When you look at the picture, the thing that is above the belly, close to the nose/mouth - that is the hand!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dr's Appointment Update

Hey everyone!
We had our next doctor's appointment today and everything looks great! All they really did was check the heart rate (which felt like forever to me for them to find!) and answered any questions I had. The heart rate is 160 which is normal. The doctor said that all babies heart rates are about 160 in the first trimester. It isn't until the 2nd trimester that we can use it to guess if it is a boy or girl. So we should be able to start making guesses in 4 weeks!
The other good news is that we get to keep on the same schedule that we are on right now, so that means we should find out if it is a boy or girl in week 19. That puts it the week before Christmas! What a fun Christmas present!
We go next week for the genetics testing and we get to have another ultra sound. Watch for a new picture in about a week!
Everything else is going well. I can't believe we are already a week away from being done with the first trimester! Time is going so fast!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Our friends Becky and Brian had their beautiful baby girl last night! Mom and Baby are doing great! We are so happy for your guys!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Happy 2nd Anniversary Matt and Jessica!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Updates and Happenings

Yes, it is 68 degrees in our house. But the amazing thing is, we have the a/c off and all the windows open! We had a cold front come through this weekend and our highs have been in the upper 70s/lower 80s. By the end of this next week we are suppose to be back lower 90s and I am anxiously waiting to see what will happen from there.
We have had a pretty productive weekend. We have been cleaning, doing laundry, working outside, and watching some movies. Our neighbors across the street from us got us a cute baby present. It was a bear and a rattle. The baby's first toys! Our neighbors are very sweet and we really like having them as neighbors. They are about our age and just got married a couple of weeks ago. Sarah is a 1st grade teacher and Shawn is a pilot. The sad thing is, they are renting the house across from us and are trying to buy a house right now. We will be very sad when they move.
On the baby front, things are moving right along! I have my bad days and good days, but for the most part really can't complain! I'm still very tired and can't wait for the burst of energy everyone talks about starting in the 13th week. I will be 10 weeks on Monday. Time is going by very quickly. We have our next appointment in another week and then a genetics testing the week after that. (nothing to worry about, just something they have started doing for all expectant mothers.) We are excited to get to hear our baby's heart beat and see our baby again! Starting at 12 weeks we will start posting "belly" pictures every 4 weeks!
I think the agenda for today will be going to the grocery store, target, the bike shop, and working on some scrapbooking projects. I am going to start cleaning out what will be the baby's room. It right now is just a room that is being used as a catch all for things that we didn't know what to do with. That should be a fun project!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm Dreaming Of.....

FALL!!! Ok, so technically, fall is already here, but I am ready for the cool weather and the holiday season! I can't wait for sweaters, (if they fit!) boots, coats, hot chocolate, pumpkins, and seeing my patients in their Halloween costumes!
I was getting excited because we had a cooler weekend(highs in the upper 80's). I thought FINALLY it is here! But we are going to be back to the high 90's this week. Oh well. It has to come sometime....hopefully sooner then later!
We had a pretty good weekend. Robert and Matt went fishing on Wednesday, so we went over to Matt and Kristin's house for a fish cook out. Everything was really good. I even made the crock-pot cake that Jessica had made. It was a hit. You can find the recipe for it HERE.
Sunday was spent "cleaning" the house, making some cards, paying some bills, and b-b-qing cheeseburgers.
Somebody finally bought the house next door to us. They have been moving in all weekend. Not exactly the young couple we were hoping for, but they have 3 younger boys, and seem to be clean and normal. I guess that was all we could have asked for.
Well I have some vacuuming to do and cards to write. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Cards, Cards, and More Cards!