Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We Have Furniture!

Hey everyone! Robert has been very busy putting together all of Emma's furniture. I love it! I have already started organizing the dresser and changing table. Having the furniture in the room makes things even more real....as if my growing belly wasn't enough! We find ourselves staring at the crib thinking that in as little as 10 weeks Emma will be here and sleeping in this bed. We found out that we are getting our glider, so the room arrangement might change once we get everything in it. I have stuff to put up on the walls, but for now, until we know for sure where all the furniture will be, we are going to hold off for a little bit. We also still need to get our blinds/curtains. Once all of that is in place, I will take pictures of the completed nursery. But for now, here is the furniture!

Yes, that is all of her hair "accessories" on top of the dresser!

The crib passed the weight test! Robert didn't miss any screws!!
While Robert was busy putting all of this together, I was busy making......
It's a magnetic memo board!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Jessica! Can't wait to help you celebrate (a little late) on Monday!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Major Wrap Up

I don't know where the last week has gone! The days seemed to move at a normal pace, and the nights just flew by. Just about everyday as I was driving home from work, I would think, "Ok, I have to update the blog tonight." And then, before I knew it, it would be time for bed. So I will try not to make this post go on forever, but also not leave anything out!
Last weekend, my mom, grandma, Shelly (my mom's best friend since school days), and my-self went to a fashion show put on by The Children's Cancer Network. They help out some of our families at the hospital by providing gas cards, grocery cards, and adopting families over the holiday season. A handful of my patients and their brother/sister were models in the show so I was excited to see them. The show was at the Biltmore and was complete with a silent auction, raffles, a yummy lunch, and of course my cute patients! Dillards provided the cloths and the kids had to go for fittings and everything. They were very excited to be in a fashion show and was the talk of their clinic visits for the past week!

Robert has been very busy painting Emma's room and adding a chair rail to the walls. We were a little worried that the colors weren't going to turn out how we wanted, but we love it! It looks so good. There is still a little more work to be done, so I will post pictures of the final out come. In the mean time, here is a sneak peek!

I had my next doctor's appointment this past week and again everything looks great. My glucose testing came back fine and I was very happy I wasn't going to have to repeat it! Emma's heart beat is good and strong, and I even measured on target this time. I have one more appointment, and then have to start going every 2 weeks. We are signed up for all of our birthing classes as well. I can't believe how close it is getting!
Yesterday Robert's dad, Gary, and step-mom, Chris took us shopping for baby stuff. It was a fun day. Robert couldn't believe how much stuff there was for a baby and I couldn't believe how high tec everything was. It seemed like EVERYTHING played music, had nature sounds, and vibrated. Some things even had remote controls or you could hook up your I-Pod to it! Things have come a long way since the plastic swings that Robert and I had when we were babies! They wound up getting Emma's crib, mattress, changing table, pack-and-play, swing, and bouncy seat. If we think it will fit in her room, a rocking chair will also be coming our way. I knew we would be putting the furniture together, but thought we would wait on the other stuff until it got a little closer...but Robert wants to get it together now so he knows exactly how everything works before Emma gets here! We ended the day with lunch. It was very generous of Gary and Chris to do this for us and Emma. Thanks guys so much!
It's exciting to have this stuff here and I am even more excited to see how everything looks in her room. Of course pictures will be coming!!!!!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day and Weekend!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

House Projects and Glucose Testing

So kind of a random title, but that explains what has been going on in our house the last couple of weeks. Robert has been working hard making speaker stands, a new desk, and we FINALLY got Emma's room cleaned out! We are now ready for paint and furniture. Very exciting!

New Speaker Stands!!!! (The wires will be hidden during the next project!)

New Desk!

Not the best picture, but it is the cleaned out room before it becomes the nursery!
I went and had my glucose test yesterday. I had heard horror stories about it, so I wasn't looking forward to it. I had to drink a VERY sugary drink in 5 minutes, wait an hour, and then have blood work done. The drink was not the best, but it helped that it was a thin liquid rather then a thick chalky one like I thought. The worse part was how I felt after. I felt so sick to my stomach. The whole time I was waiting, I was thinking "don't throw up or you will have to start all over again". But when I got home, I kept thinking that if I only could throw up, I would feel better. I was never able to get sick, so finally I just went to bed. We should get the results back next week, so hopefully it will be fine and I won't have to do it again!
On another random note, Robert has worked late the last couple of nights, and they have gone out on a handful of new unit estimates. Hopefully the will get these estimates, and work will continue to pick up!
We are gearing up for a busy weekend! Hope everyone has a great week!