Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy Thursday

Just a random picture from this morning.  We are heading out to the Children's Museum tomorrow with our friends Amanda and Aidan, so I will back with pictures!

Friday, September 24, 2010

A Little of This and That

It is hard for me to believe that Emma is almost 1 1/2.  She is becoming more like a toddler and less like a baby every day.  She loves to help me around the house and the other day I realized that I need to let her help me when she can.  So putting away the groceries yesterday took WAY longer then normal, but she loved being "mommy's helper".  She is talking more and more, and she LOVES babies.  Real and pretend ones.  She finds them everywhere.  She will say "hi baby" and then hug herself, rock back and forth, and say aahh.  It is pretty cute.  I wonder if she will still like babies after we bring home a brother or sister for her?! (no, no announcements!)
I have been busy this last week cleaning out the house.  We have decided to have a garage sale.  We are going to turn our spare bedroom into a playroom, so we will use the money for paint, and toy organizers.  My goal is to have the playroom down by Christmas.  I am excited to get it done!
We headed back over to Jessica and Sophia's house for our weekly Tuesday dinner and play date.  Heidi and Ayden joined us this time and Emma had fun chasing Ayden up and down the hallway.
The girls memorized by Mickey Mouse Singing

Trying for a picture

I love how they all are in their own little world.  Ayden looks like she is thinking "Can't you put down this magazine so we can take this picture?", Sophia is readying her magazine, and Emma is checking out Ayden's shoes!

I also went ahead and got Emma's Halloween Costume.  Originally, I was going to make her costume, but I found this cute Ladybug Costume for $12.  There was no way I could make her costume for cheaper then that.  I think she looks pretty cute!

Robert and I actually have a date night tomorrow night!  We are going to see the comedian, Tosh Daniels at the Dodge Theater.  I am so excited!  Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Daddy's Little Princess

The other night, Robert had to run up quickly to the store to get some lighter fluid and charcoal for the grill.  Not only did he come home with what he needed for the grill, but he also found something for Emma.

Her very own little couch!

It also folds out into a bed

Yes, she put her jewelry on, grabbed her phone, and sat on the couch.  I am sure we will be seeing lots of this 10 years from now!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

We are Back!

No, we didn't go anywhere, just have had a whirl wind of a couple of weeks.  Let's start from the beginning....
Our Labor Day weekend started with shopping for my Mom's Birthday.  My mom, My mom's friend Shelly, and Shelly niece went with Emma and I to Scottsdale Fashion Square for the day.  I haven't been to that mall in a long time and it was fun to walk around and see all the Fall cloths. 
Then on Saturday College Football started up again, and of course Emma and Robert wore their Notre Dame Colors.  I think I am going to have to get her some ASU shirts also!

Emma's new thing is to run at me when I am taking her picture.  That is why this picture is blurry and it should make family pictures interesting in October!

Touch Down!

Then on Sunday and into Monday everything changed.  Basically the very shortened and condensed version is that my Grandma had a massive brain bleed on both sides of her brain.  They had to do surgery to remove some of the blood, and then drains were placed to remove the rest.  The good news is, that she got to go home yesterday, and we are hoping now that she is home, she will be able to recover a little faster.

So we don't end on a blah note, here are some pictures from the last couple of days!

Mommy feeling a little guilty about taking Emma all over the valley and not having much of a schedule = new blocks for Emma!

Back to our Tuesday night dinner/play date!

This is how Emma was walking around after breakfast the other morning.  I thought it was pretty cute how she had her bear up on her shoulder!