Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkins and Fire Alarms

Today Emma and I ventured out in the cold weather to get our pumpkin. Down the street from us, there is a pumpkin stand that not only sells pumpkins, but also has a place to take pictures. So I knew I wanted to go there to get Emma's picture taken with the pumpkins, and the next 3 days are jammed pack with things to do for Halloween, so today was slated for pumpkins.
Today's high was only suppose to be around 65 so I knew I was going to have to bundle her up. And even though the news talked about wind, I wasn't that concerned, because we didn't get winds until late yesterday afternoon. So I waited for her to get up from her am cat nap, and for it to be not too windy, and off we went. As soon as I opened the car door, I was greeted with a huge gust of wind. The houses in our neighborhood must have blocked out the wind, because the pumpkin patch was in an open field and that was a whole different story. So I bundled Emma up in her stroller, trying to block out as much wind as I could, and headed straight for the tent. Between the wind, the pumpkins, and the cars, she was not at all interested in looking at me for a picture. With the strong winds, I didn't want to keep her out too long, so we did the best we could. Once we got home, we took more pictures with our pumpkin. Warning! There are a lot of pictures and I am sure they all look pretty much the same, but I couldn't decide which ones to post!
This is what we were going to wear. I thought she liked more ready for the ski slopes then a pumpkin patch! So off the shoes and hat came. (after pumpkins, we went to target where I found the cutest pink boots. If we had those before, that is what we would have worn! Don't worry, there is a picture later!)

At the pumpkin patch - notice how her nose is starting to turn red in the last one? We called it quits soon after!

These are the new boots from Target. My mom already told me that I have them on the wrong foot. I guess baby shoes are more then just for fashion..they do have a left and right!

Doesn't it look like it she has a little bit of an attitude in this picture?!

And now for the second part of the post. About 20 minutes after we got home, and I put Emma down for her good long afternoon nap, our smoke detector went off. We for some reason have 9 smoke detectors for our 16oo square foot house, so when they go off, it is LOUD! After I got Emma out of bed, I walked around the house to see if we did in fact have a fire. After I was sure we didn't, I started calling Robert. During this time they turned off. I thought it was some fluke thing, but then they turned back on. From the time of just before 1 and 3:30 the smoke alarms kept going off and on. So again, Emma and I bundled up and headed outside to wait for Robert to get home from work. We would think they were off for good, get Emma down for her nap, and they would go off again. We aren't sure what caused it, but they haven't gone off for the last two hours, so hopefully it won't happen again.

All bundled up waiting for dad!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Just Because..

Happy Monday! 4 more days until cookies.....5 more days until Halloween!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Last night we went to Robert's Dad's house to celebrate his birthday. Chris made a yummy dinner and Emma was in her "studying" mood. We do have to figure out how she is going to take naps when we are out. She'll take a nap in her stroller and when someone is holding her, but put her down, and she wakes up. Maybe we will have to start bringing her stroller with us on visits! It was a nice evening and we had fun seeing everyone!

Playing on Grandma's exercise ball

Studying Grandpa

Check out those cheeks!

Playing with Aunt Sandy

Smiling at Daddy
Trying to figure out one of Grandpa's bows

On a different note, I am done making Emma's costume! I can't wait to put her in it! Growing up, my brother and I had a "costume" box that we would drag out and create our costumes. I can't remember mom buying us costumes. I am thinking that I want to do something similar with Emma. And since now I know how to make the tutus, I can use that to do almost any costume. A witch, fairy, princess, probably even Mini Mouse! I am sure we will have to buy extras here and there, and I there is the cutest toddler Notre Dame cheerleader outfit that she will probably be next year, but other then that, we will try hard to have home made costumes!
And for a quick update. The eating is still going great. She started applesauce this week and loves it. She is already eating a whole container at one sitting, and I think she would eat more if I let her. We start green beans next, so I am sure that will be interesting!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What's New

Everything has been going smoothly at the Green house. Emma is doing great with eating her cereal. Since she is doing so well, we are going to move on to apple sauce this weekend. We did decided to feed her oatmeal instead of the rice cereal. It has the same amount of iron as the cereal, but also 1 gram fiber. We figured with her tummy issues, we needed to give her as much fiber as we could. I am happy report that so far we have been able to stay with the 1 tsp of Miralax! Also with the addition of the cereal, she has already started to take less of her bottles. Maybe her 5 month long growth spurt has come to an end!

She continue to gets stronger when she is on her tummy. She pushes all the way up with her arms.
She is also loving that she can roll now from her back to her tummy. She seems to do it almost any chance she can get....or should I say when I am not there. I have been trying and trying to catch it on video with no luck. She seems to do it no matter where she is. She does it when it is nap time, in her pack and play, and this morning she did it on our bed while I was getting ready. I guess we can't just plop her down any where anymore! I don't think she likes rolling from her tummy to her back as much. I haven't seen her do this in quite a while. She will just fuss until one of us changes her position for her.
Also with her moving around so much, playtime is happening more and more on the floor now instead of the couch. So instead of all her toys being on her one cushion on the couch, they are now on the floor. Between her toys and the dogs toys I feel like my house always looks like such a mess. I am already trying to figure out what we can get to store her toys. I have my eye on a leather bench that doubles as storage!
Along with the rolling from her back to her tummy, naps are always interesting. She is moving around so much, I am never sure what position I will find her in, or what will be sticking out of the crib. She seems to be really enjoying sleeping on her tummy!
This weekend we are going to Robert's dad's house to celebrate his birthday and I need to get working on Emma's Halloween costume. I would also like to go and get pumpkins, but that may have to wait until next week.
I am sure I will have more pictures to post after this weekend!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Jenni's Wedding

Last night Robert and I went to Jenni and Kent's wedding in Paradise Valley. Of course Jenni was a beautiful bride and a fun night was had by all.

My mom watched Emma for us. We had to take advantage of being all dressed up and take a quick family picture. Since it was 102 yesterday, the sweater was just for the picture. Emma was not a happy camper for my mom. But finally after a couple of hours she showed her happy smiley self. Maybe she will start getting use to being without mommy and daddy!

The girls after the wedding. It was great to get to see everyone and catch up!

The reception was at Kent's mom and step-dad's house. The house was AMAZING. This is just a part of the backyard. They had a huge balcony, large grass area, 2 bar-b-que built ins and a ramada. I wish I would have taken more pictures of the house!

The girls at cocktail hour.

The happy couple

First dance.

Loved the back of Jenni's dress

They even had cigars for everyone. When we found out these were $200 dollar cigars, we thought we'd better go and get one. It would just be something that was nice to have. I told Robert I would go with him and get one for his brother Josh. Well, when we got there, they practically made Robert smoke his right then and there. I was able to sneak away with mine unopened, so I guess we will be holding on to that one! (quick side note - while I was waiting for these photos to upload, we did some research on the Montecristo Cigars. We only found them to be about $10. Oh well. Still nice though!)

The girls with the bride.
The favors that they had were really cute. They gave everyone a CD made of love songs. But the fun thing was that the bride, groom, family members, and wedding party all picked their own favorite love song(or what they thought was considered a love song!) So on the back of the cd case they included the name of the songs along with who picked it. So cute!
Thanks Jenni for including us in your special day!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hard Afternoon......Sort Of

Yesterday was the first day that Emma didn't poop since we started giving her the miralax. I thought she had been a little uncomfortable this week, and since we started cereal, I was somewhat expecting this. So I decided to give her 2 tsp (instead of the 1 tsp) of the miralax this morning.
We ran some errands this morning and got back a little later then I wanted to, so I expected she would have a harder time going down for her nap. Sure enough she did, and after the fifth time of going in to "save her" with her pacifier, With the help of the extra miralax, I discovered poop every where. All over the sheets and mattress pad, her shirt, her back, I am sure you get the picture. So after I got her and the bed cleaned up, I figured that she would surly go to sleep now. So back in the bed she went. (minus cloths in case it happened again)
At the same time this was going on, JD decided to have one of his freak out spells. Most of you know that he is a little temperamental, and will sometimes have these episodes where he will bark at me like he doesn't know who I am. We think it has something to do with smell and fragrances. We are going to my friend Jenni's wedding tomorrow, so I needed to give myself a pedicure. I think the pedicure creams are what set him off. After a few barks at me, he ran outside and sat in the dirt in the shade. He would peak in every so often through is doggy door, and continue to bark at me. A barking dog and crying baby, equals pizza (or some other non cooking item) tonight.
After Emma quited down, I went in to check on her and this is how I found her. She has recently learned to roll from her back to her tummy and I think she is using this new found skill to keep from taking a nap! I think because her arms and legs are sticking out from the crib, plus she doesn't have any cloths on, she looks like she has had enough or something!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Eating Cereal

This weekend we did our first attempts of feeding Emma cereal. She was not impressed with it at all! By looking at the pictures you thought I was giving her lemons! I can't wait to see her faces when we start real food!
The first attempt was very interesting and a little rough. The bowl was still full when we finished! But I have to say over the last couple of days she seems to have really gotten better at it. I still don't think she loves how it tastes, and sometimes she spits it all right back out, but I have been able to already make the cereal thicker and this morning she was almost able to finish 2TBS!
If she keeps this up, we will move on to fruits and veggies in another week or two!

Getting ready!

Not sure what to think!

I don't think I like this!

No I really don't like this!

Random Pics

Here are some cute random pictures that have been taking over the past couple of weeks.

She started sitting in the chair like this.....

Then she tipped to the side.....

And some how ended up relaxing like this!

I love this close up of her face. She was scooting around so much that the bow is about to come off!

I don't know why, but I love this picture! I think with her facial expression and pointing her finger, it looks like she is chair dancing!

Always love the playing with Daddy pictures. (And sitting all by herself!)

Taking a bath in her new "big girl" bath tub. (she is still a little small for the bath tub chair we got her)

And this is just a glimpse of the new ear piercing screech Emma has learned to do when she is mad!