Wednesday, February 29, 2012

An Exciting Day!

It IS an exciting day today, but also a day with just a hint of sadness.  We registered Emma for preschool!  I am so excited for her to start school and experience everything that comes with it.  (She is also VERY excited to start school) But I am also a little sad and in disbelief that my baby is old enough to start school!
In August, Emma will go to Ahwatukee Preschool.  This is the preschool that I went to, my brother went to, and even my cousins attended.  Not only that, but my mom taught there for 10 years, and then I taught there while I went to ASU.  It is a great program that focuses on development of the whole child - socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically.  It is apart of Mountain View Lutheran Church, and they will have chapel talks once a  month.  The school is also peanut free, so I won't have to worry about that yet!
The 3 year old class is on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 3 hours each day.  Not sure if she will go in the morning or the afternoon yet.  If we are able to move closer into town, then she will more then likely be in the morning program.
August will be a busy and fun month with school shopping, starting school, and the arrival of Baby Green.  It is already worked out that my Mom will take Emma to school if I am in the hospital.  I want to make sure she doesn't miss the official first day of school!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Our Valentine's Day

We had a great fun filled day yesterday.  We really made it a day for Emma and had a good time!  We started with heart shape pancakes, wrapped some Valentine's for Emma's friends, and then headed off to the library.

 We made heart shape crayons for Emma to pass out. 

Emma and Sami at the library  (Not sure what Emma is doing in this photo, but this was the best out of several attempts!)

Both Emma and Sami made their way onto Miss Tara's Story Time Blog.  You can see it HERE. 

After the library, we continued with our heart theme and had heart almond butter and jelly sandwiches and headed over to Jessica and Sophia's to continue the Valentine's celebrations.  By this point, both girls were tired from all the sugar and festivities, so it was impossible to get a picture, but we had a great night and Emma loved trying chocolate covered strawberries for the first time. 
Hope everyone also had a great Valentine's!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Now that the big announcement is out, I can fill you all in on what has been going on!  We found out I was pregnant the week of Christmas, so it was a great early Christmas present!  I am 12 weeks, and happy to be out of my first trimester!
It has been a very different pregnancy so far then I had with Emma.  (This is helping Robert to think that we are having a boy!).  With Emma, I was nauseous and couldn't think about food.  Going to the grocery store was horrible!  This time around, I haven't had any nausea and have actually wanted to eat.  I am a little nervous since this had already lead to weight gain, but if it is what the baby needs, then so be it!  Except for a couple of things, it really hasn't been a horrible first trimester.
I had my 12 week doctor appointment on Wednesday and everything look goods.  The baby's heart beat was a strong 152 beats per minute.  We have decided to not do the genetic screening this time around.  (We did with Emma.)  We are not high risk, and I have known several people that have gotten false positives that something was wrong.  So we feel there is no reason to add possible stress and worry when it is not needed.  We will find out again if this is a little boy or girl.  We should have our big ultrasound in 6 weeks.
Emma will talk about the baby in my tummy, and goes to all of my doctor's appointments, so she knows the baby is there, but I don't think it has really sunk in since I don't have the belly yet.  She will say the baby is getting bigger and bigger and then will come out.  But if you ask her if she WANTS a baby sister or brother, she says "I don't want either of those". 
I haven't taken any belly photos yet.  As soon as I start to get a little more round, I will be back with a picture!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012