Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

We made it through the weekend....Maybe I should say I made it through the weekend. We dropped off Emma at my mom's house on Saturday. I had a feeling that it was going to be hard, but I had no idea how hard it was going to be. Emma did great (of course) and I think I did ok with only calling a total of 3 times. When we picked her up today, mom said that she thought she was going to roll over anytime.
After we got home, I went in to check on her during one of her naps and this is what I found...

Now when she started her nap, she was on her back and her animal show wasn't on. My child development back ground tells me that this doesn't happen for several more months...and I know that her legs and arms are strong enough that when she really gets swinging them, this is possible, AND unintentional, but the proud parents in us say that she is just very advanced for her age!
Hope everyone has a great week. We are excited for 4th of July to get here to celebrate the first major holiday with Emma!

Friday, June 26, 2009

This Weeks Update

We have had a great week just hanging out at home. I didn't have a lot of plans so I tried to start figuring out more of a schedule for Emma. The eat/play/sleep routine seems to be the best for her, but I am still just trying to figure out the best timing of her feeds and bedtime.
I am very happy to report that Emma has successfully slept in her own bed this whole week! We still struggle with naps, but she went right down for bedtime with no fussing. She doesn't sleep quite as long as she did in our bed, but I'll take it. She is smiling a lot, and has started to play with her activity mat. The other day I think she discovered her toes. She just kept staring at them and touching them with her hands. It was cute. The big thing this weekend, is that Emma will spend her first over night away from us. She will be at my mom's house. My mom is so excited to get to spend some one on one time with her. I have been busy making sure she has everything she could possibly need, so I haven't had a chance to really think about it. I know she will be in good hands, but I am sure when Robert and I go to leave, it will be a little hard! Here are some cute pictures from this week!

Sleeping in her bed!

So peacefull!

She will get in some weird positions!

Waking up happy!
I finally got her newborn pictures up over her bed

Friday, June 19, 2009

Busy Week

Miss Emma Grace and I have had a very busy week. It started on Tuesday when I had my follow up doctors appointment. After my appointment mom, Emma, and I went shopping around Ahwatukee. There were a handful of things I needed to pick up including a fish aquarium for her bed. I am hoping this will make the transition from our bed to her crib a little easier. But of course, before we could go shopping...we had to take some pictures in the court yard of my doctors!

Then on Wednesday Grandma Green came by to say hi. Unfortunately Emma was a little on the sleepy side so she didn't get a chance to see the little smiles that Emma is giving or hear the coos that are starting.
Yesterday was the busiest day of all. We started by saying hi to Great Grandma Sloat, then headed off to Phoenix Children's so everyone could finally meet her. And ended the day with saying a quick hi to Grandma Brackin at work. It was so nice to catch up with Cathy, Cassie, Amanda, Caley, and everyone else over in the clinic. I definitely miss seeing everyone, but not really missing work. It was weird to drive up to the hospital. I was glad I wasn't going there for work, but also glad we didn't have an appointment there! Unfortunately Emma was a little on the fussy side (fussy for her). She is still fussy this morning so I don't know if it was just a little too much out of the house for her, or if it is part of the growth spurt I hear happens at 6 weeks.
I had my camera, but for some reason I didn't take any pictures at the hospital, so I will leave you with some pictures that we took earlier in the week.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Couldn't Resist

Have a good weekend!

Friday, June 12, 2009

1 Month Check-Up

Hey everyone!
Emma had her 1 month doctor's visit today and everything looks great. We even got the green light to let her sleep as long as she wants at night. The doctor said that around this time babies will usually skip one of their feeds. (usually their night or first morning feed) So we need to be aware of this. She said that it also helps if they have eaten well through out the day. We are currently at 3 ounces every 3 hours. I am thinking about upping it to 4 ounces, and seeing if it helps us to go longer in between feedings.
She is also on target as far as her height and weight. She is in the 58 percentile for weight (if you had 100 one month old baby girls, Emma weighs more then 58 of them); 78% for height (we knew she was going to be tall!); and 38% for her head circumference.
Emma's pediatrician is about to have a baby, so unfortunately we will have to see a different doctor for her 2 month appointment. That appointment will also not be the funnest because she has to get several immunizations. But she is a tough girl, she will do great!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Introducing Emma to the Mall!

On Tuesday Emma and I met Jessica and Sophia for a day at the mall. Both girls did really well and drew lots of attention. They slept for the majority of the day and woke up just in time for lunch.
Jessica and I did well in that we didn't buy anything for the girls or for us....even though Baby Gap, Gymboree, and Anthropology made this very difficult! I think I need more practice when it comes to pushing the stroller. The first half of the shopping day was more like bumper cars then shopping. And our friend Becky was right. Nordstroms does have the best lounge area for feeding the girls.
It was a great time and so nice to leisurely walk around. I think the next shopping date these girls have is to the scrapbook store!

Monday, June 8, 2009

One Month Old!

Our little Emma Grace is one month old today! The days are flying by. It seems like it was the other day we were trying to figure out if what I was feeling were contractions and if we needed to go the hospital!

It is amazing the changes that we have seen in Emma over the last month. She is getting so strong with holding her head up and kicking and pushing her legs. She loves her pacifier, ceiling fans, looking around, and the movement from the car and her stroller. She takes cat naps throughout the day and will sleep 4-5 hour stretches at night. She is a good eater which has lead to cute chubby cheeks and legs. Her hair is definitely red like her daddy's and we are waiting to see if she will have a head full of curls. Her eyes are still a deep blue and the family seems to be split down the middle if they will stay blue, or turn brown. All in all, we think she is just perfect!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our Little Model

The photographer that took Emma's new born pictures is the featured artist in DC Ranch for June and July. She just announced that her work is going to be featured in their community center. She shared one of the images that is featured and it is our little Emma Grace! You can check out the post HERE.

Days Full of Adventures

The last several days have been full of adventures getting Emma and I out of the house. It started with trips to both grandma and daddy's offices. Emma did really well in the car. With all the trips combined, we have only had to pull over a couple of times, but it was nothing that her pacifier couldn't fix! When she is in the car she either sleeps, or looks like this...

On Tuesday, mom and Shelly came over and we went and had lunch and walked one of the shopping plazas by the house. Emma just hung out in the stroller. I think she was born to shop!
Yesterday, we made our longest car trip yet and went to say hi to Jessica and Sophia. Jessica's mom is in town and she wanted to meet Emma. It was good to get to see her again, and Matt made us a yummy lunch of Chicken Wraps. Plus Jenni's wedding dress came while
I was there. It is gorgeous, and she is going to look beautiful in it. The girls didn't have the same outfits on, but we still couldn't resist taking their pictures together. They didn't seem to thrilled about it, but one day when they are in each other's weddings, they will thank us! (For some reason blogger keeps turning their picture no matter what I do!)
As far as sleeping goes, we are trying something new. I am still trying to get her to sleep in her crib for naps during the day, and for the most part that seems to be going well. When she is more consistent with that, we will transition her over to sleep in her crib at night too. When Shelly came over, she brought with her a little portable bed. We are using it as a co-sleeper and having it in bed with us. That way she is sleeping on her own, but she can still feel/hear/smell us near her. (Both of us usually have a hand on her!) For the most part it seems to be working. We have only tried it 2 nights, and last night we had to start with her and I sleeping on the couch and then putting her in this bed. Robert wishes now we would have gotten the king size bed!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, June 1, 2009

3 Weeks

It is hard to believe that Emma Grace is already 3 weeks old. Next week we will have a 1 month old! Time is already moving so quickly.
Things are going well. We have had many visits from grandparents and great grandparents. We love it. It is so nice to have them close by. My mom has even decided that starting at the end of this month, she wants to take her for an over night stay once a month for Robert and I to have a date night, or even just spend a night at home. She is such a good baby, we have no reason to complain at all, but the thought of us being able to eat dinner (slowly) together and even go to bed together is a welcome one!
We have added a morning walk to our routine. It is nice to be outside, and Emma seems to enjoy being in her stroller. The only hard thing is that it gets so hot so early, we need to make sure we are ready and out the door before 8am!
She has also decided that she would much rather sleep with one of us holding her instead of in her crib. This has lead to one of us sleeping with her on the couch or in the recliner. One of the goals for this week is to get her to start sleeping in her crib. That is currently where she is now, and it only took all morning of her fighting it before she didn't wake herself up! She also seems to be fighting sleep. She will get fussy and fidgety when she gets tired and just before she falls asleep. She already is afraid of missing out on things!
My other goal for this week was for me to be able to take a shower without having to wait for Robert to get home. When Emma is awake, she doesn't want to be any where except in my arms. I am hoping when she gets a little bigger she will enjoy her swing and bouncy seat a little more and we won't have this issue anymore. When we got home from our walk this morning, I decided I would keep her in her stroller and roll her right into our bedroom. The only successful thing about my shower is that I was able to get in and get wet. Not 5 minutes after I got in the shower she was already screaming! Oh well. We will keep trying!
We go back for her 1 month doctor's appointment next week. She is a good eater, so we are anxious to see how much she has grown.
I hear her starting to fuss. An hour in her bed is a start! Hope everyone has a great week!