Friday, June 26, 2009

This Weeks Update

We have had a great week just hanging out at home. I didn't have a lot of plans so I tried to start figuring out more of a schedule for Emma. The eat/play/sleep routine seems to be the best for her, but I am still just trying to figure out the best timing of her feeds and bedtime.
I am very happy to report that Emma has successfully slept in her own bed this whole week! We still struggle with naps, but she went right down for bedtime with no fussing. She doesn't sleep quite as long as she did in our bed, but I'll take it. She is smiling a lot, and has started to play with her activity mat. The other day I think she discovered her toes. She just kept staring at them and touching them with her hands. It was cute. The big thing this weekend, is that Emma will spend her first over night away from us. She will be at my mom's house. My mom is so excited to get to spend some one on one time with her. I have been busy making sure she has everything she could possibly need, so I haven't had a chance to really think about it. I know she will be in good hands, but I am sure when Robert and I go to leave, it will be a little hard! Here are some cute pictures from this week!

Sleeping in her bed!

So peacefull!

She will get in some weird positions!

Waking up happy!
I finally got her newborn pictures up over her bed

1 comment:

k and j said...

Look at her smiling!! That is awesome! Sounds like you are doing a great job Momma :)