Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Last night we went to Robert's Dad's house to celebrate his birthday. Chris made a yummy dinner and Emma was in her "studying" mood. We do have to figure out how she is going to take naps when we are out. She'll take a nap in her stroller and when someone is holding her, but put her down, and she wakes up. Maybe we will have to start bringing her stroller with us on visits! It was a nice evening and we had fun seeing everyone!

Playing on Grandma's exercise ball

Studying Grandpa

Check out those cheeks!

Playing with Aunt Sandy

Smiling at Daddy
Trying to figure out one of Grandpa's bows

On a different note, I am done making Emma's costume! I can't wait to put her in it! Growing up, my brother and I had a "costume" box that we would drag out and create our costumes. I can't remember mom buying us costumes. I am thinking that I want to do something similar with Emma. And since now I know how to make the tutus, I can use that to do almost any costume. A witch, fairy, princess, probably even Mini Mouse! I am sure we will have to buy extras here and there, and I there is the cutest toddler Notre Dame cheerleader outfit that she will probably be next year, but other then that, we will try hard to have home made costumes!
And for a quick update. The eating is still going great. She started applesauce this week and loves it. She is already eating a whole container at one sitting, and I think she would eat more if I let her. We start green beans next, so I am sure that will be interesting!

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