Friday, October 16, 2009

Hard Afternoon......Sort Of

Yesterday was the first day that Emma didn't poop since we started giving her the miralax. I thought she had been a little uncomfortable this week, and since we started cereal, I was somewhat expecting this. So I decided to give her 2 tsp (instead of the 1 tsp) of the miralax this morning.
We ran some errands this morning and got back a little later then I wanted to, so I expected she would have a harder time going down for her nap. Sure enough she did, and after the fifth time of going in to "save her" with her pacifier, With the help of the extra miralax, I discovered poop every where. All over the sheets and mattress pad, her shirt, her back, I am sure you get the picture. So after I got her and the bed cleaned up, I figured that she would surly go to sleep now. So back in the bed she went. (minus cloths in case it happened again)
At the same time this was going on, JD decided to have one of his freak out spells. Most of you know that he is a little temperamental, and will sometimes have these episodes where he will bark at me like he doesn't know who I am. We think it has something to do with smell and fragrances. We are going to my friend Jenni's wedding tomorrow, so I needed to give myself a pedicure. I think the pedicure creams are what set him off. After a few barks at me, he ran outside and sat in the dirt in the shade. He would peak in every so often through is doggy door, and continue to bark at me. A barking dog and crying baby, equals pizza (or some other non cooking item) tonight.
After Emma quited down, I went in to check on her and this is how I found her. She has recently learned to roll from her back to her tummy and I think she is using this new found skill to keep from taking a nap! I think because her arms and legs are sticking out from the crib, plus she doesn't have any cloths on, she looks like she has had enough or something!

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