Our little Emma Grace is one month old today! The days are flying by. It seems like it was the other day we were trying to figure out if what I was feeling were contractions and if we needed to go the hospital!
It is amazing the changes that we have seen in Emma over the last month. She is getting so strong with holding her head up and kicking and pushing her legs. She loves her pacifier, ceiling fans, looking around, and the movement from the car and her stroller. She takes cat naps throughout the day and will sleep 4-5 hour stretches at night. She is a good eater which has lead to cute chubby cheeks and legs. Her hair is definitely red like her daddy's and we are waiting to see if she will have a head full of curls. Her eyes are still a deep blue and the family seems to be split down the middle if they will stay blue, or turn brown. All in all, we think she is just perfect!
She is soooo sweet! I think she looks JUST like her Daddy!! How fun! Griff came out with red hair and we were quite shocked haha :)
She is so cute, congrats again! Wow, a month already...time will continue to FLY by, just wait! I (of course) love all the bows on her, too cute!
Becky (and Carly)
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