Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

Robert is on call this weekend, so we didn't have any big plans for Memorial Day.  Luckily, we haven't had temperatures much higher then 90 degrees, so Robert has been able to stay home and we have enjoyed a relaxing 3 day weekend with him.
Emma got this neat paper plate bug art set for her birthday.  It has everything you need to make different kinds of bugs.  She had a great time making them, and did really good at putting body parts where they were suppose to go!

I decided to brave the grocery store today and was so excited when I found this...

Emma can have any type of nut except for peanuts, but it is so hard to find nuts that don't have traces of peanuts in them.  Every time I am at the store, I read all the Almond Butter jars just in case there is a safe one.  Until today, they all had that they contained trace amounts of peanuts on the label.  I was so excited when this one said Peanut Free right on the front!  I personally think peanut butter tastes better, but Emma seems to like it.  I think she will try her first Almond Butter and Jelly sandwich for lunch tomorrow!
On a side note, I almost have Emma's two year old photos done.  They should be on the photo blog in the next couple of days.
Hope everyone had a great Memorial Weekend!

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