Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We Have an Answer....Sort of

Today we had Emma's Allergy appointment.  I really liked the Doctors and Nurses at the practice and it is a good thing, because it looks like we will be seeing them once a year.  This is a picture of the Allergy Test once enough time had passed to read it.  The test itself is comparable to the old TB tests.  It is in the shape of a #6 domino and it gets pressed into the back.  Emma had 3 different panels done - one testing for nuts, and 2 testing for environmental allergens ( checking for an answer to her hives).  As you can see from the big welt, she 100% has an allergy to peanuts.  You can also still see some red marks, that might mean she has an allergy to a couple of different things as well.  The test on these were not conclusive, so we had to do blood work also to get a clear answer.
So for now is we avoid all nuts.  We also avoid anything that says "may contain nuts" or made in the same place/on the same machine as nuts.  There will be a lot of reading of packages, grocery shopping will take a little longer until I get the hang of what is "safe" and we will bring our own snack foods with us when we go out.  We also are now the proud owners of 2 epi pens that she must have with her at all times as well as benadryl.  There is a small possibility that she will out grow the nut allergy.  So we will keep our fingers crossed that she falls into this catagory.
I am sad, but glad that we have an answer and know that things could be a lot worse. 
I will be back in a couple of days with happier pictures!

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