Saturday, August 25, 2012

Introducing Riley Jane

As many of you know, Riley Jane made her appearance Monday, August 20th. She made us wait all the way to her due date, and of course, she was worth it! For the past couple of weeks, I have been having contractions, so when they started Sunday afternoon, I wasn't convinced that they would lead anywhere.  By 9 that night, I was still having them, but they were inconsistent (any where from 5 minutes apart to 10 minutes apart) and didn't really hurt.  At 1am, they were still the same.  My doctor wanted me to come in when they were 10 minutes apart for an hour because I needed to get antibiotics and she was convinced that my labor/delivery would be quick.  So into the hospital we went.  I was scared that they would send me home, but kept hoping that since I was 40 weeks and having contractions, they would keep me and if needed, help my labor along.  Sure enough, I was still only 4cm dilated so they told me to go walking around the unit for the next 45 minutes.  There was no way I wanted to be sent home, so I power walked around the unit.  Luckily, I progressed to 5cm so they admitted me and started my fluids and antibiotics.  From then on, things went pretty smoothly and decently quick.  By 9am I was 8cm dilated and by 10:30 they were calling the doctor and getting things ready for Riley to make her arrival.  I only had to push 4 times and she was here!  It was a great delivery.  Riley arrived at 10:36am weighing 8lbs 9 oz and 22 inches long.

Getting her hair washed during her first bath.  I was convinced that she would scream, but she must have enjoyed it because she didn't make a peep!

Sisters!  Emma was so excited to meet and hold Riley Jane.  Before Emma and my mom got to the hospital, I sent a photo of Riley to mom's phone.  I guess Emma took the phone from my mom and just kept looking at the photo and talking about how much she loved her sister.  When she was at the hospital, she would ask anyone and everyone she saw if they wanted to come and see her new sister, Riley Jane.

We only had one "issue" during our hospital stay.  By the afternoon Riley started chocking/gagging a lot out of the blue.  After a couple hours of periodic gagging, she threw up a lot of mucus and dried blood.  From that point on, she wasn't really interested in eating and kept throwing up.  It was decided that she must have swallowed a lot of fluids and junk during delivery.  If the throwing up and not eating continued, the plan was to take her to the nursery and suction her stomach.  Unfortunately it continued   all night and progressed to throwing up her entire feed.  Since we were limiting how much she ate plus it was hard to even get her to eat, throwing up the entire thing was not an option.  So sometime after midnight, off to the nursery we went to suction out her stomach.  It was a pretty quick process and Riley did great.  The nurses were surprised how much they suctioned out since she had been throwing up all afternoon/evening.  After that, she was still throwing up, but we were all comfortable with going home later that day.  (we are still dealing with throwing up, but keeping her bottles on the smaller side and keeping her vertical for a little bit after she eats, seems to be helping.)

Riley and Grandma

Grandma Chris (Grandpa was on his way to Mt. Rushmore)

The Brown Family

Riley and Mommy (I promise Robert was there also.  Some how he managed to escape the camera the whole time we were there!  Grandma Mary, Aunt Sandy, and Uncle Jay also came to visit but I think the combination of being tired and dealing with her stomach, the camera didn't make it out while they were visiting.)

Going home!

I will post more pictures and updates as I can!!!  Thank you to everyone for all of your messages, texts, and emails.  I am sorry that I haven't been able to get back to all of you, but I appreciate all of your thoughts and well wishes!!!

1 comment:

k and j said...

Great story and pretty baby!