Wednesday, August 8, 2012

38 Week Update

Unfortunately, I don't have any photos to include with this post, but wanted to fill everyone in on my 38 week appt.  According to my progress, Miss Riley Jane should have made her appearance yesterday!  I am a good 3-4 cm dilated and everything else is completely ready.  No other progress to be made.  So now we just wait.  Even though I am further progressed then most when they go into labor, we could still be sitting her next week waiting.  I have to remember this is all on her time! :)  I think we are as ready as we can be.  Bags are packed and I have a phone list of people to help with Emma and even possibly get me to the hospital if Robert can't get home in time.  My Doctor seems to think when thing do happen, they will happen quickly.  Hopefully my next blog post will be that Riley is here!!!

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