Friday, July 15, 2011

Back to Basics

A couple of weeks ago, Jessica had mentioned that she had bought Sophia some pinto beans to play with.  With it being so hot outside, she was trying to think of different things for Sophia to do inside.   Before I was a Child Life Specialist, I was a preschool teacher and a Child Life Assistant.  In both of those jobs I always had the developmental table full of beans or rice, had the kids make noodle necklaces, and made home made playdough.  All things that are extremely easy to do, the kids loved them, and they were CHEAP!  I don't know why I didn't think about doing them with Emma. 
We now have two boxes full of beans and noodles for Emma to play with.  She is having a ball with both.  After an episode of her throwing the beans around the entire house while I was putting away groceries, we had a talk about the rules of the beans, and we haven't had any more "decorating" ideas!

It is really easy to color the noodles.  Just dump some in a ziplock bag, add a splash of rubbing alcohol, and some drops of food coloring. (the more drops, the darker/brighter the color)  Shake the bag to coat, and lay them out on newspaper/paper towels/old towel and let them dry. That's it!
Stringing the noodles doesn't seem to keep her attention as well as I thought.  But she does love to put them into her pots and pans like she does the beans!

Thanks Jessica for reminding me that they don't always need a new toy or elaborate activities to keep them entertained!

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