Friday, April 8, 2011


Tuesday, Emma, my Mom, and I, loaded up the car and headed to Vegas!  Jessica and Seth had their baby girl, Ava, Sunday night, so we went to visit and for me to take some newborn photos.  I was nervous since this would be the first trip/vacation that Emma has been on.  I didn't know how she was going to do in the car, or not being able to sleep in her bed.  Luckily she did great.  She never really took any naps while we were there (not even on the car ride going!)  so we definitely had some moments, but overall she did really well!
She seemed to like Vegas.  I mean a buffet of all you could eat fruit, rice and beans one night, and music everywhere, I am sure she thought the place was made just for her!  She even got to the point of every time she got in the stroller she would ask "restaurant?"!

First (and only!) buffet in Vegas!  We had breakfast at the Paris Resort.  It was yummy!

No nap meant she really wasn't all about picture taking.  If she got out of the stroller, she wanted to be "free"!  So picture taking was really more of grabbing a shot while she looking at something or moving on to the next!

One of my favorite things about the Vegas Strip is the garden at the Bellagio.  They always use real flowers and they do a different scene for each season.  The one they have right now, is by far my favorite of all the ones I have seen.  It is a cross between spring and summer, with gorgeous flowers, butterflies, ponds, and a carnival type setting.  They had a green house you could go in with real butterflies, a carousel, ferris wheel, and these really cool balloons.  I would have loved to have gotten some better pictures of Emma here.  But I decided to pass on the screaming, not happy photos, and just snapped when I could!

We had a little change in our schedule, and needed to take photos of Ava on Thursday before we came home.  Knowing that we had to leave early, we tried to get as much packed up as we could Wednesday night.  While my mom and I were packing, here is what Emma did.

Ava is a beautiful baby and so sweet and tiny.  Seth and Jessica are doing great, and Jessica's mom is there right now, so that is a big help.  I wanted to stay all day and visit with them, but I knew that we had to get on the road, and they needed to rest.  I told them that I would look for a house for them back here in Arizona!  The photo shoot went great.  Ava was only 4 days old, so she slept like a champ!  Jessica wants the photos to be a surprise on the announcement, so it will be a couple of weeks before I post any.  But here are some random ones that I took when Emma came to see her. 

 Emma was really sweet with Ava.  She loved pointing out her head, nose, mouth, feet, and her "dress".  She really wanted to hold her, but with only being 4 days old, and barely 6lbs, we decided against that one!  We will save that for when/if we bring home a baby brother or sister for her! 
We had a great time, but glad to be home to our own beds and getting back on our schedule.  Thanks mom so much for going with us.  We couldn't have gone with out you!  And thanks to Seth and Jessica for letting us come up and for letting me take such special photos!!!

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