Emma Grace is officially 8 months today. What seems even harder to realize, is that in just 4 short months we will be celebrating her first birthday! I kind of thought time would start to slow down after the holidays, but the days still just keep flying by.
And just like all the months before, we have enjoyed all her new accomplishments this month, even the emergent of her cute little stinker side to her personality!
This past month she has started to scoot herself across the floor both on her bottom and her stomach. She still hasn't made it up onto her knees yet, but watching her different movements she has when she scoots and when she reaches for a toy, I think she will be crawling in the next month. She is also almost completely self-sufficient when it comes to finger foods and her sippy cup. She isn't so sure when the food is mushy, like bananas, but easily eats toast, lunch meat, cheerios, puffs, and yogurt melts. She loves her yogurt melts, so I bought some yogurt for her to have as a snack. She can't stand it! All she has to do is smell it on the spoon and she clinches her mouth shut! She also seems to be more into the baby food then she is in her formula. Her formula intake has gone way down, but will eat baby food and her finger food no problem!
She started her very cute habit of wrinkling her nose when she smiles, and her stinker side came out after I told her no, and she smiled at me!
In not so good things, she did get her first fever this month and was a trooper the 24 hours she didn't feel good. We never were able to figure out what the cause/source was, and besides being grumpy a different points throughout the day, she seems to have recovered just fine.
We can't wait to see what this month brings!
As you can tell from this photo, she wasn't all that into taking pictures in her chair today. That is why the top picture is of her out and playing!
I love the pictures in the chair. I laughed out loud.
I have one beautiful and special granddaughter.
Don't forget grandma needs these pictures :)
Love you all.
Okay she is the CUTEST little girl Kari! My goodness I want to meet her but I ma never in AZ :( MY fam always comes here because it's easier on us :/
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