Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Aidan's First Birthday

A couple of weekends ago Emma and I headed out to celebrate Aidan's first birthday. I worked with Aidan's mom, Amanda, at the hospital and we became fast friends. It was fun being able to be pregnant together for a little while and I can't believe her little guy is already one. Robert wasn't feeling the best that day so he stayed home. The party was at Uncle Sam's and we had a great time. It was fun to get to see and catch up with friends from work also.

Sitting in the high chair like a big girl! This face didn't last too long. Once she realized everything around her she was like a little whirl wind. She reached for EVERYTHING on the table. And some how was able to reach cups, plates, food, napkins, anything and everything!

Playing with her toys

Playing with Paige who is 18 months

With the birthday boy! Amanda and I have already decided that they will be boyfriend and girlfriend! Can you tell it was dinner time?

The Yants - Regan, Aidan, and Amanda

Make a wish!

The adorable Cookie Monster cupcakes that Amanda made

Emma and Harrison. I worked with Harrison's mom, Kristy at the hospital. Harrison was born 2 days before Emma. I had to hold her hands so she wouldn't grab Harrison's face!
Happy Birthday Aidan!

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