Friday, December 5, 2008

Yes, We're Still Here!

I know, I know. It is been WAY too long since our last post. We don't really have an excuse, the days just seem to be flying by. We have had a lot of things going on, but if I was to try and update everything, this post would be entirely too long. So I think I will just hit some of the highlights.
First, we have to say CONGRATULATIONS to our friends Amanda and Regan. They had their beautiful baby boy, Aidan, on November 20th. He is absolutely adorable and everyone is doing well. I'm having trouble posting a picture of Aidan for some reason. I will try again later.
Our other good friends, Seth and Jessica just moved into their new house in Vegas. It is GORGEOUS! We are hoping to make a trip out to see them in January or February so it will be fun to see their new house also.
I also got to see our friends Becky and Brian and their cute little one Carly. They were in town for Thanksgiving and it was fun to get to see them and ooh and aah over Carly.
I feel like I am forgetting something else that happened...if I did, I apologize. It wasn't intentional!As far as new things here...things are going well. I still haven't had any cravings. But I do think that I am finally feeling the baby move! It started this week. Nothing too frequent, and it feels like I'm being poked. We are both excited about it and Robert can't wait until he can feel the baby.
We will take a picture this weekend of the ever growing belly. I can't believe we are at 18 weeks. The time is really moving along!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Kari for welcoming Aidan on your blog! We can not wait until your little one is here and we have our play dates! I miss you!