Saturday, June 16, 2012


Here is an update in photos of what we have been up to!

That first week at mom's, Emma got her big girl bed.  At night she is doing well with going to sleep and staying in bed, but naps are a different story.  Many times, I find her like this....

She either puts on her dress up clothes and climbs back into bed, or I find her asleep with all of her toys in her bed!

We headed out to the splash pad with some friends at Desert Ridge and Emma LOVED it!  That is her in the last picture dunking her head!!

The past week, we checked out a new library story time at the Tempe Library with Sophia.  We sing some songs, read some books, and then at the end make a craft.  We plan on going back next week!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and a happy Father's Day!!!

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