Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Doctor Updates and Happy Birthday Sophia!!

This weekend is our big move, so I really didn't expect to update the blog until after that.  But Emma and I both had Doctor's appointments these last two days, so I thought I would fill everyone in on those, and then end with Sophia's birthday!
Emma had her 1 year peanut follow up yesterday.  Unfortunately, her levels went up again.  The frustrating thing is we really don't know what that means.  For some reason, as kids get older, their IgE levels can go up, and then come back down.  Having nothing to do with her actually allergy to peanuts.  They could also be going up if she is developing seasonal allergies.  So at this point we continue how we have been.  There is a new test that is suppose to be able to tell you how severe an allergy is, but it is new so insurance companies are not covering it yet.  We are hoping that within the next year, they will start covering it, and at her next yearly appointment, we will have that test done.
I am still reading lots of studies that talk about kids being exposed to very small amounts of peanuts and this is leading them to loose their peanut allergy.  I have some what been a little less cautious on what Emma eats, and letting her have bakery items as well as some things that have the peanut warning on them.  I was starting to feel more comfortable with it, and then just the morning I read a news story about a teen who passed away after eating a white chocolate macadamia nut cookie.  He is like Emma, in that he is ONLY allergic to peanuts.  I guess white chocolate macadamia nut cookies are his favorite and as had them multiple times.  This time either the cookie, or the macadamia nuts came in contact with a peanut and he reacted.  He and his family had become comfortable with his allergy and he didn't carry his epi pen anymore.  Who knows if the epi pen would have saved him, but it is just another reminder to make sure it is always with her.  I also read another article about how peanut allergies are the hardest to out grow.  So we may need to change our thought from "she will out grow this" to hoping she isn't severely allergic.
So obviously not the news we were hoping for, but we really don't need to change anything either at this point.
On to baby news, I had my 26 appointment today and everything looks great.  They have no concerns about anything.  She even commented on how "great" my weight was.  This completely surprised me.  I feel like I have ballooned this past month, and I thought for sure they were going to tell me I had gained too much.  My total weight gain is right around 22lbs at this point.  I would love for it to stop there, but I am sure the combination of this baby growing plus summer swelling, my weight will get up there!!  I have my glucose test to look forward to next week, and then I start going every 2 weeks.  My next appointment we have what should be our last ultrasound.  This ultrasound is just to check on growth.  I can't believe that I am at the point of going every 2 weeks!  Here is my 26 week picture.

I thought this would be a good time to get caught up and start from the beginning with what has been going on these past couple of weeks.  Sophia turned 3 about a week and a half before Emma did.  We had a fun party over at Sophia's house complete with karaoke, princess crowns, and cupcakes!!

I know this was kind of a hodge podge post, but next up is Emma's birthday!!!

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