Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Weekend!

We had a very busy, but very fun Halloween Weekend.  We started the weekend by going to the Allergy Trunk-or-Treat event on Friday night.  The kids went trick-or-treating for things like stickers, pencils, bouncy balls, spider rings, etc.  Emma would go back and forth on saying that she wanted to be Tinker Bell and a Princess.  We settled on Princess Tinkerbell, and had a crown instead of wings.  She loved her "Tinkerbell dress and crown!
Here is my little Tinkerbell before we left.

And at the event..

Emma had a great time and had no trouble going up to the different cars to get her treats.  We got done pretty quickly, and Emma was ready to do more trick or treating, so we met up with Jessica, Sophia, Heidi, and Ayden at Sophia's church's trunk or treating.

 Much more interested in her treats then taking a picture!

The girls found a very interesting beetle.

My mom came with us, and this is the only picture I was able to get of the two of them!

Saturday morning, we met back up with Sophia and Jessica for the Spina Bifida walk.  This is the main population that Jessica works with at the hospital, so we wanted to go and help support them.  The weather was perfect, my mom and Shelly came with us, and the girls got popcorn and danced to music after the walk!

Robert has been having to work late at work, so we weren't sure if he would make it home in time for trick-or-treating.  Luckily he made it home, and we went trick-or-treating with The Brown family.  Emma had a great time trick-or-treating with her cousins and again, did really well going from house to house.  Her "shyness" didn't come out.  In fact, she would wave her little hand and say to the people "No Peanuts" as they handed out candy.  I don't think they knew what to think, and we got some strange looks!  We came to one house that had a life size skeleton that started dancing when you walked past it.  After that, trick or treating was done for Emma, and she wanted to be carried the rest of the way!

Out of all the candy in her bucket, there were only about 6 pieces that she is able to eat.  Right now, it isn't a big deal, she just had fun trick or treating.  I think as she gets older, it will still be more about actually going, and not so much the candy.  But I think I will have a "trade in" stash of stickers, lip glosses, etc.
Hope everyone also had a great Halloween!!!

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