Thursday, September 3, 2009

I Had Heard Stories...

My friends would tell me stories about how they were sure their little ones did gymnastics while they slept. I, on the other hand, always found Emma in the same exact position as I had left her when I kissed her good night. I figured she was just a very peaceful sleeper that didn't move around a lot. (she did not get this from her dad. On multiple occasions I have woken because a hand flew across my head!) But she proved me wrong this morning. I was very surprised when I went in to get her. She some how managed to completely turn her self around in her bed!

This is how I always put her down...

This is how I found her!

Just a cute picture from this morning. She is waking up an hour earlier then normal which I think explains why she seems to be just hanging out both yesterday morning and this morning.

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