So far the glue has held and Emma has been doing great. I, on the other hand, have had some mommy melt downs, but have decided that I have to trust the glue can handle the activity level of an almost 1 year old, and if for some reason it didn't, then Emma would still be just fine.
Isn't this picture something?! The gash isn't pretty, but I feel like this big piece of white tape is a neon sign saying "look at me"! Emma likes to route around, rub her eyes, and rub her bear over her face. The only reason why we have the tape over it, is to try and protect the glue from this. The tape doesn't seem to bother her, and most of the time she leaves it alone.
Her eye is a little swollen and discolored, and she has been a champ through this whole thing. She gets mad when we try and stop her from rubbing her eye and sometimes will hit it, and she has become very interested in my eyes. A couple times a day she will start to whimper and hold her bear over her eye, but Tylenol seems to do the trick. But really by watching her play you would never know what happened! This adventure didn't seem to phase her at all. She immediately when right back to standing and walking along the couch. Not only is she strong willed, but tough too!
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