She thought we needed to get it looked at.
So off we headed to an urgent care. I knew that there was a medication they could use that would numb her skin when they did the stitches. But at that moment, I couldn't think and couldn't remember what the name was. Jessica's husband, Matt, works in the ED at Phoenix Children's so I gave them a call to find out what medicine we needed to ask for. Thankfully they also reminded me that PCH has an Urgent Care center out by us, so we went there instead.
We didn't have to wait too long before they saw us. The first thing they had to do was clean her wound. She didn't like this at all. I held her, while the nurse squeezed 4 huge syringes into the wound. After this was done, she had a little bit of a break while we talked to the Doctor about what we should we do. He gave us the choice between stitches and glue. They each had their own downfalls. Stitches = traumatic experience, Glue = possibility of it not sticking. So after lots of talk, we decided to go with the glue. The Doctor said that if he didn't think the glue wouldn't work for us and the location of the gash, then he wouldn't have recommended it. So wanting to keep this as less traumatic as we could, we went with the glue. She still didn't like it very much, but it is done and we are back home.
For the next 7 days we will really watch her and make sure she doesn't rub her eye, bump it on anything, or get wet. Starting tomorrow we can cover it with a band aid, so that should help some. The first thing Robert did when we got home is remove the coffee table. We didn't really need it anyway, and now Emma has more room to play!
Here are some pictures after we got home.
Dinner always makes everything better!
AWWWW!!! How sad!!! So sorry you guys have had to go through that. It's so hard to see your baby in pain, She still is as cute as can be :)
Grandma and Great Grandma send love and kisses.
POOR BABE!! Have you ever read Griffin's stitches story(ies) on my blog? Ya might not want to but if you do they are in December of 08. Haha. I am glad she is okay! Poor girl.
Oh my gosh!!! Poor little thing. Welcome to the unfortunate club of having you @ 1 yr old child experience the ER/Urgent Care at far too early of an age.
You have a tough little girl on your hands!
At least the scar will be in her eyebrow. Unfortunately this is the first of many bumps and bruises to come. Hang in there. Love ya, Gramps
Poor sweet girl. The hard part of parenthood. It's heart breaking to see them hurt. Give her a big hug and kiss from me.
Love you,
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