Another month has come and gone. And this time it is our last month before we hit the big 1 year mark! Emma continues to grow, change, and make us smile every day. This past month we have seen her pull herself up to a stand and start walking along the couch. She has started to walk a little when we hold her hands, but she gets kind of a high march awkward type of walk. She has learn to play catch by rolling a ball along the coffee table and loves to dance to music. Her favorite song write now is the Bashas commercial on TV. The one that shows the lady walking through different decades. No matter what she is doing, she stops and starts dancing. She has gotten her bottom two teeth, and just started to feed herself with a spoon sometimes. (This can get very messy!) She is imitating everything we do including shrugging her shoulders while tilting her head to the side like she is saying " I don't know" and holding her arms straight up in the air when we say "touchdown". We continue to fall in love with her more and more every day
An awkward smile, but if you make the picture bigger, you can see her teeth.
I liked this one even though it is out of focus
I missed it, but she was starting to do "Touchdown"
1 comment:
Such a pretty little girl, I can't believe she's almost one. Time flies when you're having fun!
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