The girls excited to see each other!
Emma and Sophia both had bunny ears, and we tried to get a picture of the both of them wearing them. And you know how those pictures go!
One would try and take their ears off....
Something much more interesting then the camera would happen...
But we are able to get this one!
Our cute little bunny!
Keeping entertained while waiting for the parade to start
Hanging out with Grandma
This cute little bunny was in Emma's Easter basket from my mom. Sophia got one too.
I think she liked it!
We also played with eggs that shook
Trying an Easter Sugar Cookie for the first time
I think she likes sweets! She was mad when I wouldn't give her anymore!
Our set up. When we got here, we thought we had found the perfect spot for shade. Unfortunately, not too long after the parade started, the shade was gone!
Time for the parade to start! Emma did not like the fire trucks. The sirens were too loud for her, but she did fine with the marching bands!
She enjoyed the dance troops. She would rock back and forth and dance with them!
Time to have our hat on!
Ahwatukee Preschool students! (This is where I went to preschool, and later both my mom and I taught here. Emma will also be going here when she is 3!)
During the parade, all the floats and groups would pass out candy. One group gave out these cute Easter Egg beach balls. The girls loved them!
By the end of the parade, both girls were worn out. But they did great and perked up when we went to Macayo's for lunch!
When we got home from the parade, Robert's Dad and Step-Mom stopped by to say hi.
They brought Emma some cute Easter Books.
Having fun reading with Grandma
Playing with Grandpa
The Easter Bunny left one present for Emma that night. A new bath toy! It is a star fish, that spins around, lights up, and is a fountain. Kind of like her own little water show. At first, she really liked it and would reach for it....
But she wasn't so sure about the water spraying her face!
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