Yes, it's true. I had a birthday yesterday. And not just any birthday, my 30
th! It is weird to think that I am in my 30's. I don't feel any different, but the thought is there that I am getting old!
It was a good birthday. My mom took Emma and I out shopping and of course spoiled us. We had Cheesecake Factory for a yummy lunch. Emma seems to not be such a fan of restaurant food. I ordered her a grilled cheese sandwich, which she loves at home, and she didn't like it at all. I told my mom that she was probably the only kid in the restaurant that was eating her
broccoli over the grilled cheese! I guess from now on, we will stick with the safe bet of plain noodles. Thanks mom for a great day!

When we got home, this was my nice surprise! Robert's mom, step-dad, and sister sent this out for me. It is from Edible Arrangements and they specialize in making fruit bouquets with some of the fruit dipped in chocolate. It is so pretty, but more importantly so yummy! This one has chocolate covered apples. Emma and I have been very much enjoying the fruit. Thanks again guys. That was very sweet of you to think of me.
The surprises kept coming when Robert came home armed with flowers and a card that was made for him to give. Many of you know that Robert isn't always the best at remembering
occasions. So the card he found came armed with a card for every holiday of the year. He THINKS this means he has his bases covered!
And many of you have been asking about Emma's eye.....

Here is what it looks like now. Don't mind her expression. She is just fine. She is just tired of me being in her face looking at it all the time. We still have some bleeding, and now some clear yellowish liquid, but the doctor assured us that this was just apart of the healing process. I do think the glue lessened a bit, and the gash opened a little. Medically, this doesn't hurt her, it just means that the scar could be a little bigger then if it would have been if it stayed all the way closed. But what are you going to do? We have watched her the best that we could. How can you explain to an almost one year old not to rub her eyes, to not but her bear to her face, and not to roll around in her bed face down while she sleeps? For this reason I think I would have
rather she got stitches, but who knows. Maybe those would have loosened also.
She does have some irritation on her skin from the tape. And since tomorrow will be the 7
th day, starting then, I won't put tape on it anymore. Hopefully the glue will start falling off, and the scab can start to go away. I know it could have been much worse, but this was no fun!
Tomorrow we have an exciting day with celebrating Sophia's 1st birthday out at The Farm at South Mountain. I plan on taking lots of pictures!!