Yesterday we celebrated Emma's First Birthday with her birthday party at our house. We did a pinwheel theme, and had pinwheels all over the house and outside. It was a great day and we appreciate everyone making the LONG drive out to help us celebrate!
There are a lot of pictures, and for the most part, I will just let the pictures tell the story!
Had to have grilled cheese and PB&J for the kids!
On the present table I had her monthly picture frame and first year scrapbook that Jessica made for her so everyone could see how much she has changed over the past year.
The Birthday Girl!
Lunch time!
Enjoying lunch with Grandma
The Yants (First attempt at a family picture....I should have known not to take a child away from toys for a picture!)
That's better!
Aidan Yant
Jamie and Jenni
The boys - Regan, Aidan, and Robert
Someone is ready for presents!
Playing with cousins, Aiden and Anna
Time for presents. She lost interest in opening gifts pretty quickly, but had fun looking at all the cards, pulling out paper, and playing with all her new toys
Shelly made this adorable piggy bank for her
Time to play with all the new things before cake!
She had no problem with the cake at all. She loved the sweet icing!
Grandpa and Grandma got her this cute school bus that also has a slide
Blowing bubbles
The boys playing ping pong in the garage
New Rocking Horse
Emma resting after a long fun day with Great Grandma while Grandma and Shelly helped mommy clean things up.
What a fun celebration. The pictures do tell the story Kari, great food, decorations, special time. Beautiful Birthday Girl !!!!
And as usual grandma needs these pictures....Love you all, Mom.
What a fun party! It was really cool to finally get to see your home and family!
Thanks : )
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