We met our friends, Stephanie and Sam (who we met at Emma's Library Story Time Class) and had a great time. The girls were so sweet together, and it was the first time that Emma seemed really excited about the animals. She would point to all of them and make her excited sound. And when we saw flowers, she would point to those and do her best to say "flower". I have to say, she can say it pretty well!
The first stop we made was the Zebras. They just introduced two new baby Zebras that we heard about on the news last night. You can see them in this picture laying down.
Checking out the Zebras
Emma, Sam, and Stephanie
We also spent some time in the Children's Area. It was the first time that I had seen it since it has been re-done. There is one section that is made into a Little People play land. It has a barn, tractor, slide, and of course Little People characters. It was really cute and the girls had a good time exploring all the things it had. It was also Emma's first experience with sand. She loved it, but got it everywhere!
Notice the girls piling the sand on the ledge? I think they would have done it all day if we would have let them!
Had to get pictures inside the oyster
Two Cute Little Pearls!

This isn't the best picture, but I had to include it for the story that goes with it. After the girls were all sandy from the play land, we thought it would be the perfect time to take them to the splash pad. We could get them clean, plus cool them down all at the same time. Emma loves her baths, and loves to put her hand in front of the house when we are watering the grass/plants, so I thought she would love the splash pad. I got her changed into her bathing suit, set her down in the water, and she lost it! I don't know if it was because she was tired, hungry, or if it was because there were a lot of kids, but she wanted nothing to do with it. So I held her, and towards the end, she would stick her hand out to touch the water. While Emma and I were still playing with the water, Sam decided she was done and ready for lunch. All we could hear was this sweet little voice yelling "Emma" from the girls' strollers. It was the cutest thing, and Stephanie and I were impressed that Sam was saying Emma's name!
Thanks Stephanie and Sam for a great day! Can't wait to get the girls together again!
How much fun you all had. The girls are adorable. I think grandma needs to go next time:) and of course I need pictures.
Oh my goodness! I have totally missed all your blog posts! I "follow" your blog, but for some reason it isn't notifying me of new posts! Darn-it! Because these pics of the girls are adorable! We had a great time, too! Must do it again! Sam is missing her EM-MA!
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