We have found ourselves being very busy with lots of little things these past couple of days. Before I get to those, I wanted to give a quick update on what Emma has been doing. The last week and a half, she has become a little chatter box. I don't really know what or when her first word was, but I feel confident that she says: Dadda, Mamma, book, ball, "woof"(for dog), and flower when she sees these things. This weekend she also started trying to walk a little more. She is a pro at walking around things, but is finally walking more and more holding our hands. She will even walk holding only one hand, but is a little unsteady. We have also started to going to one nap a day. Today was the first day that we didn't have to go anywhere, and let me just say it was a long morning!
Monday was our last Library Story time for the summer. Here is a picture of her waiting for class to start.
At the end of story time, the babies have free time with toys and bubbles. I wasn't too sure how parents would feel about me taking pictures, so I only took this one since there wasn't many kids around, plus it had her teacher in it. (Emma was very excited about the bubbles!)
We also decided to get some fish for Emma. Her Uncle Josh has a huge fish tank in his house, and every time we go over there, she is so excited to see the fish. I thought it would be fun for her to have A fish, and my plan was to get a beta fish in a TINY bowl, and have it sit on top of the T.V. I guess I should know by now, that we can't do anything small. (look at our furniture!) So a simple $10 trip to the pet store, turned into us coming home with a 10 gallon aquarium! Emma loves it though, and that is all that matters!
Pointing to the fish. She even kisses the tank.
Excited about her new fish!
And we headed out to see Anna's kindergarten graduation program. It was a very cute program with songs and dancing. Emma even joined in on the dancing from her seat. Seeing all those kids, I couldn't help but think that in 4 short years that was going to be Emma.
Anna with a couple of her friends before the show.
Anna is in the bottom right. She is looking at the camera and has her hands over her eyes like binoculars.
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