Everything has been going smoothly at the Green house. Emma is doing great with eating her cereal. Since she is doing so well, we are going to move on to apple sauce this weekend. We did decided to feed her oatmeal instead of the rice cereal. It has the same amount of iron as the cereal, but also 1 gram fiber. We figured with her tummy issues, we needed to give her as much fiber as we could. I am happy report that so far we have been able to stay with the 1 tsp of Miralax! Also with the addition of the cereal, she has already started to take less of her bottles. Maybe her 5 month long growth spurt has come to an end!

She continue to gets stronger when she is on her tummy. She pushes all the way up with her arms.
She is also loving that she can roll now from her back to her tummy. She seems to do it almost any chance she can get....or should I say when I am not there. I have been trying and trying to catch it on video with no luck. She seems to do it no matter where she is. She does it when it is nap time, in her pack and play, and this morning she did it on our bed while I was getting ready. I guess we can't just plop her down any where anymore! I don't think she likes rolling from her tummy to her back as much. I haven't seen her do this in quite a while. She will just fuss until one of us changes her position for her.
Also with her moving around so much, playtime is happening more and more on the floor now instead of the couch. So instead of all her toys being on her one cushion on the couch, they are now on the floor. Between her toys and the dogs toys I feel like my house always looks like such a mess. I am already trying to figure out what we can get to store her toys. I have my eye on a leather bench that doubles as storage!
Along with the rolling from her back to her tummy, naps are always interesting. She is moving around so much, I am never sure what position I will find her in, or what will be sticking out of the crib. She seems to be really enjoying sleeping on her tummy!
This weekend we are going to Robert's dad's house to celebrate his birthday and I need to get working on Emma's Halloween costume. I would also like to go and get pumpkins, but that may have to wait until next week.
I am sure I will have more pictures to post after this weekend!
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