So, the first 24 hours of giving Emma the Miralax, I changed 6 poopy diapers and multiple onsies. I thought that was a little too much, so the next day we tried giving her less juice, and less Miralax. The good thing is that she only pooped once that day, but her poor tummy rumbled all day long. So the next day we kept the juice the same, but went back to 1 tsp of Miralax. Success! We had only a couple of poopy diapers condensed into one hour and no rumbles. I thought we had figured it out until today. No poop. So back to the drawing board we go. I am going to go back to giving her 4 full ounces of juice and 1 tsp of Miralax tomorrow and see what happens. I have to say, on the days where she poops and has no tummy rumbles, she is a happy, talkative (more like yelling!) baby the entire time she is awake. This has been a nice change! Poor baby. Since she wasn't fussy, we had no idea that her tummy was bothering her that much. We thought it was just apart of her personality!
I am so excited that it is October and the weather is finally starting to cool down. Even though she can still wear them, all of Emma's summer clothes have been packed away. It is time for fall outfits and colors! After going to the big Scrapbook warehouse sale I go to every year tomorrow, I plan on spending the rest of the day getting the Halloween directions up and eating Halloween candy! I also need to start working on Emma's Halloween costume!
Here are some random pictures taken over the last week. Enjoy!!
It is finally getting cooler at night. Time for new warmer jammies!

Out with the summer clothes, in with fall outfits!
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