Another month has flown by! This past month Emma has learned how to blow spit bubbles and raspberries, how to whisper, and to yell! She is laughing, smiles at herself in the mirror, and let's us know when she is mad! Could this be a sign of the red head temper that people warn me about?! She is trying so hard to sit up. She has gotten better at tripod sitting, and when she is on her back, she strains to lift her head and shoulders off the ground. When you help her to sit, she is so proud of herself. She scoots herself all around when laying down, and can now easily extend her arms straight up when laying on her tummy. She has even learned to push up with her legs to try and get out of her car seat when in the stroller!
She still loves to examine new things and people, buttons and lights, to put anything and everything in her mouth, baths, being snuggled after baths, and her bottles! She shows that cute little temper of hers when you take her bottle away (even though it is gone!). She hates being cold, anything that delays her bottle, and is starting to show signs of not wanting mommy to leave, and getting mad when someone besides mommy or daddy is holding her.
Our next big adventure will be starting cereal. We have all the supplies bought, and she seems to love to sit in her high chair. She intently watches us eat, so I am excited for her to learn. We will take lots of pictures and videos of this new experience.
We are also very excited for the holiday season to be here and all the new experiences Emma Grace will get to have!
Great picture Kari. I love that shirt. Where did you get it?
Thanks! I got it at Target probably about a month ago.
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