Today Emma and I ventured out in the cold weather to get our pumpkin. Down the street from us, there is a pumpkin stand that not only sells pumpkins, but also has a place to take pictures. So I knew I wanted to go there to get Emma's picture taken with the pumpkins, and the next 3 days are jammed pack with things to do for Halloween, so today was slated for pumpkins.
Today's high was only suppose to be around 65 so I knew I was going to have to bundle her up. And even though the news talked about wind, I wasn't that concerned, because we didn't get winds until late yesterday afternoon. So I waited for her to get up from her am cat nap, and for it to be not too windy, and off we went. As soon as I opened the car door, I was greeted with a huge gust of wind. The houses in our neighborhood must have blocked out the wind, because the pumpkin patch was in an open field and that was a whole different story. So I bundled Emma up in her stroller, trying to block out as much wind as I could, and headed straight for the tent. Between the wind, the pumpkins, and the cars, she was not at all interested in looking at me for a picture. With the strong winds, I didn't want to keep her out too long, so we did the best we could. Once we got home, we took more pictures with our pumpkin. Warning! There are a lot of pictures and I am sure they all look pretty much the same, but I couldn't decide which ones to post!
This is what we were going to wear. I thought she liked more ready for the ski slopes then a pumpkin patch! So off the shoes and hat came. (after pumpkins, we went to target where I found the cutest pink boots. If we had those before, that is what we would have worn! Don't worry, there is a picture later!)
At the pumpkin patch - notice how her nose is starting to turn red in the last one? We called it quits soon after!
These are the new boots from Target. My mom already told me that I have them on the wrong foot. I guess baby shoes are more then just for fashion..they do have a left and right!

And now for the second part of the post. About 20 minutes after we got home, and I put Emma down for her good long afternoon nap, our smoke detector went off. We for some reason have 9 smoke detectors for our 16oo square foot house, so when they go off, it is LOUD! After I got Emma out of bed, I walked around the house to see if we did in fact have a fire. After I was sure we didn't, I started calling Robert. During this time they turned off. I thought it was some fluke thing, but then they turned back on. From the time of just before 1 and 3:30 the smoke alarms kept going off and on. So again, Emma and I bundled up and headed outside to wait for Robert to get home from work. We would think they were off for good, get Emma down for her nap, and they would go off again. We aren't sure what caused it, but they haven't gone off for the last two hours, so hopefully it won't happen again.

All bundled up waiting for dad!

All bundled up waiting for dad!