I know it has been awhile since my last post, but not too much has been going on. It seems like over night Emma decided to start walking, and she is now walking all over the house. I am pretty sure she is also about to get one of her upper teeth. I see some white just barley starting to show. This would also explain her extra snuggles and tiredness!
Summer has officially hit and Robert has been busy with work. He tries his hardest to get home before Emma goes to bed (usually between 8 and 8:30) and we consider it to be a good week if he is able to do this twice in the week.
This week, I had to make a couple of unexpected trips to the doctor. About 3 weeks ago, I noticed what seemed to be a broken blood vessel in my eye. This past week, I thought it was getting worse and my eye was starting to bother me. I went and saw my Doctor yesterday who said I needed to get in right away to an Opthamologist. To the point that he even made the appointment for me! I had my appointment bright and early this morning and needless to say everything is just fine. It is healing how it is suppose to, and it is a big bruise, so it is normal to have the discomfort. It does bother me to take pictures and be on the computer, so I will just try and limit that until it is better.
Since Emma had to get up early for the appointment, I decided to stop by Target on our way home to help push nap time to after lunch. While we were there I got her this cute cooking set
And she got big girl hair clips! She still has the majority of her on top, and not much on the sides. But last night after her bath, I noticed that that back of her hair is starting to curl, and she had a small section that was long enough to curl over her ear!
I was trying to get a picture of her smiling, but she was too interested in her new cooking set and the dogs. I thought I would see what she would do if I said "Say Cheese". And these are what she gave me!
For Father's Day we plan on having a quite morning at the house, and then we will head over to Robert's Dad's house for swimming and cheeseburgers. We are excited to go over to their house to do some swimming, relax, and catch up. Then on Monday starts Emma's two weeks of swim lessons!
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