Since Sophia turned one, she had to move to a different classroom at day care. In this classroom, there are no cribs, so the kids have to take naps on a mat on the floor. Sophia is having a hard time getting use to this, so she was ready for bed right after dinner. But we were able to get some pics of the girls playing before we ate.
This week we have also been busy with swim lessons. Emma seems to really enjoy it, but it wears her out! With us having it every day, it is wearing me out too! My mom came to watch her lesson today, so we were able to get some pictures.
Singing the Hokey Pokey
Today, they wore life vests for the first time. Emma wasn't too sure about it, but I think it was because it was a little big. All you could see were her cheeks!
Practicing reaching for toys on her tummy
Working on her back float was not something that she loved today!
Her favorite thing to do is when we practicing entering the water. All of the kids sit on the wall, we count 1, 2, 3, and then they kind of jump/fall into the water. She LOVES it!
Jumping in
And "swimming" through the water
I wish her hat wasn't down so far so you could see her eyes, but you can still tell she is having a good time!
Going after toys again
Got it!
Today was the first day that Emma would actually kick her legs while on her tummy. You kind of tell from this picture, that she would actually kick like a frog. She would bring both legs up to her belly, and then kick out. It was really cute.
We Love Swimming!!
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