I know it has been awhile since I last updated, but nothing super exciting has been going on. We have had at times a crabby and sleepy baby on our hands for the past week due to teething. It was just by chance that I saw Emma's bottom left tooth coming in. She is very protective over her month and won't let me look in it or touch it. I can finally feel the tooth now, but it seems to be a very slow process and it is still very hard to see. We have been doing a lot of teething medicine and holding. One down, (or half way down!) 23 to go!
As you can see from the above pictures, Emma learned how to eat a popsicle just in time. My friend Becky told me that you can buy the Yo Baby yogurt in tubes and freeze them. Emma finally figured out how to eat them on Saint Patrick's Day. It is perfect timing because not only is she teething, but the weather is also getting warmer. This will be the perfect summer snack! The only thing she didn't like about it, was when she broke off a big piece. I guess it was too cold for her and she would start crying until I got it out of her mouth. We are going to try another one today for our snack. Thanks Becky for the suggestion!
Emma and I also headed down to Phoenix Children's to have a picnic lunch with Jamie and say hi to everyone in the clinic. I had to bring so much stuff, that I wasn't able to bring my camera, but we had a great time catching up with Jamie and getting to see everyone.
This weekend, Robert's mom, step-dad, and grandma are coming out and next weekend is my photography class with Jessica. I am so excited to learn some more things!
1 comment:
Glad the yogurt pops are working out good, so great that they're organic and have the live cultures for their little bellies :)
She's so cute...I just love all that hair!
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