Ten months! Double Digits! It is so hard to believe that Emma is 10 months old today. I know it is so cliche, but where has the time gone? Last night at dinner Robert and I were saying how 10 months ago, I was on the phone with my mom trying to figure out if what I was feeling were contractions, and then on the phone with Robert trying to figure out how late he would be working. Just 10 short months later we have a beautiful daughter who is sitting at the dinner table, eating dinner with us, and carrying on her own conversation. It really is amazing how much she has changed and learn to do. Robert and I miss the days where she would sleep snuggled with us but are excited to see what new things she discovers every day.
This past month has probably brought the biggest change so far. Emma has become mobile! She started out by army crawling around the house, and is now doing the traditional crawl every where. She easily pulls up to her knees on everything (even the kids in her baby story time class!) and can pull herself to stand, but knees seem to be the favorite. She easily sits by herself, waves, and dances. It is so cute, because she will even start to bounce in the grocery cart when she hears music! Even though we aren't sure what she is saying, we can tell when she is really trying to say something, and just babbling. She even changes the inflection in her voice, and sometimes it sounds like she is asking us a question. She continues to loves books and whenever she sees one, she will make the "b" sound. It is hit and miss if she will eat breakfast or lunch, but always seems to eat a good dinner. She loves all veggies, salmon, anything with pasta (even broccoli!) beans, grilled cheese, and fruit.
We can't wait to see what the next month brings!
She is a doll! I am in LOVE with her hair color, woww! She sounds very mobile! Good for her! Griff walked at 10 months. About killed me. LOL.
It does just FLY by! I can't believe she's almost one!
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