When I worked at the clinic there was about a 2 year span where it seemed like we were all pregnant. I am sure the guys we worked with loved it! But the neat thing is that we all have kids that are any where from 2 days to 1 year apart. So a play date was planned at the zoo to finally get all the kids together, and I think there will be more get togethers in the future!

This was Emma when we first got to the Zoo. For some reason she had a tough time getting back on her schedule after London's Run, so she didn't sleep well the night before. She was a crabby and sleepy baby in the morning! I told her if she continued being crabby, I was going to leave her with the monkeys!

Saying hi to the ducks

Checking out the Orangutans. Right after this picture was taking, it sounded like the orangutans were having a huge fight. From what I can tell, it looked like the male was holding onto the baby at the bottom. The baby "escaped" and ran up to the females at the top of their home. The females didn't want the male up there and they let him know it!

The baby safe with its mom

Next we headed into monkey island where you could see these little guys close up. We got there just in time for lunch! They were having popcorn balls with peanut butter. Yum!

Emma finally perking up some and having fun getting Aidan. By this time, Aidan was done being gotten!

Lunch time!

We had a "lake side view" and Emma loved watching the ducks while she ate!

After lunch, the sun was a little bright, so it was time to get our hat! This was the only sun hat we had that fit, so even though it didn't match, we had to make due! Nice shadows huh?! I need to get better and noticing this stuff and move as needed.

Checking out the giraffes

Quick water break

Laney is 18 months old and was so cute to see "toddling" around the zoo. She wanted to be out running around. At this point she decided she was tired and sat down with a snack the first chance she got. (notice the shadow again!)

Julia is about a month younger then Emma and it was great to finally meet her and catch up with her mom!

We had a great day at the zoo! It wore this little cutie out!
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