The same with every other month, it is hard to believe that another month has gone by. We celebrated with a trip to the doctor's for her 9 month appointment. Thankfully everything continues to look great and there is nothing to be concerned about. The only small thing we will work on, is trying to get Emma to take a little more formula though out the day. She is only taking about 10oz and at this age she should be taking 16oz. Since she has continued to gain weight, grow tall, and eats plenty of table food, Dr. Yin said not to stress about it. She is getting all the nutrients she needs, she just wants to make sure she is getting enough fat for brain development. Dr. Yin also said that Avocados were a good food for this and luckily it was one of Emma's favorite. So we will try to get more formula down her and let her eat more Avocado!
Speaking of weight and height...She is just over 19lbs which puts her in the 70th percentile, 29 1/4 inches (95%) and her head finally caught up and she is in the 50 percentile for head circumference. She had to get two more vaccines and a heal stick to check her iron levels. Even with taking less formula her levels were perfect. Even a little on the high side. Our next appointment will be her 1 year check up!
Emma has been doing lots of new things this past month. The newest being that she can now pull herself up to her knees in her crib, and then get herself in a sitting position. It is very cute to walk in and see her peeking over the rail or sitting in the middle of her bed! We will be lowering her mattress now! She is also moving around a lot more, and even though she isn't officially crawling, she does this part inch worm part army type crawl. I don't think she knows yet that she could move around the house with it, she just uses it to get to whatever it is that she wants. She has started clapping and even did a fake sneeze the other day. (Anything for attention!) She also gets upset and we can see the future of temper tantrums when we take a toy away from her. She is showing all the classic signs of stranger anxiety and being clingy to me. Her babbling is growing and growing and she clearly says mama and dada. (Just not purposeful yet). The other fun thing she started doing this weekend is making the "b" sound when she gets her books. And as you all know from the last post she is officially off all baby food and eats a variety of table foods as well as drinking out of a sippy cup for everything but her bedtime bottle.
Even though she drives us nuts at times with no naps and her little stubborn streak, we are enjoying every minute and love this little girl to pieces!
1 comment:
Grandma's pretty girl......
Love you (send pictures)
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