Things have been moving pretty steadily along. We had our first night in a long time that Emma decided she didn't want to sleep. She laid in her bed for 2 hours talking to herself before she fell asleep, up 30 minutes later, then cried from 3am-5am, (no, not straight. I went in after 10, 20, and 30 minutes) slept for an hour, up again, and then finally slept for 3 hours. I don't know what her deal was, but luckily we haven't had a repeat!
Emma seems to be working on something new every day.
We have finally had laughing. Up to this point, we would just get one little giggle, now she laughs. It is the cutest thing. So far, I have been the only one to hear it. Robert can't wait until he can hear it also.
Her other new found skill is blowing raspberries ALL THE TIME! Her raspberries are full of spit, so all three of us have been showered! I now keep a rag by her at all times!
She constantly either has her fingers/thumb or one of her toys in her mouth.
She studies the dogs. If they are running around or playing, we can not compete with them!
She is working very hard on sitting up. She will stay in this position for about 10 seconds. I think she is going to sit early.
I'm not sure if she is also starting to give up her late afternoon nap. She gets cranky, so I put her down, but she stays in there contently talking to herself and blowing her raspberries. I think she is just wanting some alone time!
Robert and I are doing well also. Robert is still very busy at work. On the one hand, he is ready for it to slow down, but on the other, he wants it to stay busy a little while longer to help us make it through the winter.
This weekend I am going to Postinos, a wine bar, to celebrate Jenni's upcoming wedding. I am excited to get dressed up, have a glass of wine, and see my friends for a little bit. Robert will be home with Emma and I think he is excited to get to spend some good quality time with her.
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