I can't believe another month as come and gone, and Emma Grace is another month older. This past month has been filled with lots of new experiences. Robert and I have had fun looking back on this past week. It was a year ago September 3 that we found out I was pregnant, 4 months ago we were sitting in a hospital room waiting for me to get past 9 cm, and today we have a beautiful baby girl that keeps us on our toes...and she isn't even moving yet!
New things for Emma this past month include getting into a routine with naps in her crib, purposeful giggles, sitting in shopping carts, grabbing her toes while laying on her back, grabbing toys while on her tummy, turning in circles while laying on her back, and finding her screeching voice. One of the big accomplishments this past month was she started rolling over. She can easily roll from her tummy to her back, and is working on going from her back to her stomach. She is getting close. She uses her legs as weights, swings them to the side, and then gets stuck on her arm. She has also been trying to sit up while laying on her back. It is kind of funny to watch because she strains to lift her head and shoulders off the ground, then she lifts her legs and gets stuck. She gets frustrated because she can't move any further! A fun new thing for us is she has started to have "favorite" toys. Her favorite book by far is Guess How Much I Love You. It doesn't matter what kind of mood she is in. As soon as I start reading it, she starts cooing and hitting at the book. Her favorite toys include her keys, teething butterfly, tag blanket, elephant blanket, and a rattle.
As always, we can't wait to see what new things come this next month!
We go to the doctor tomorrow for her 4 month check-up. I am anxious to hear what they say about when to start solid foods. I will post the full report tomorrow!
Here are some other pictures from the photo shoot!
Oh my sweet baby girl.
Grandma needs a bigger house with more wall space for pictures.
Kari Jane when you get a chance please send me the 1st one and the one lifting her dress to work.
Love you all.
She is adorable and getting so big. The bows are turning out really great. Love,love,love them!
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