I know I haven't done a post like this since Emma turned one, but I thought that since she was a year and half now, it would be a good time for updates.
First, the good news is that her hives are basically gone! Sunday she woke up, and they were definitely faded and this morning, if you didn't know she had them, you wouldn't even know.
We went back to the Doctor today for her 18 month appointment and all is well. Her Doctor is not concerned at all about the hives or how they acted. If they happen again, she does want us to go and see an allergist. Her stats were: 32 3/4 inches (82%) and just under 23 1/2 pounds (32%)
Emma continues to love to read and to help me around the house. She loves babies and can find them when ever we go out. She recognizes Mickey Mouse and Characters, Winnie the Pooh, and Elmo, but only watches Mickey Mouse on TV. She adds more words to her ever growing vocabulary every day and even remembers what things are on our drives. She still says hi to the pumpkin patch when we drive by, (the tent is still up waiting for Christmas Trees) and will point out the Library and ask for her friend Sam. (Sam is who we go to toddler time at the library with) She is singing her ABC's, twinkle twinkle, and ring around the rosy. She loves to dance and color, and will run to the room her crayons and boom box are kept when she wants them. She is retaining lots of information and surprises me every time she "reads" apart of a book before I have had a chance to read that page.
We can also tell that we are getting closer to the "2s" stage as we have had glimpses of tantrums, lovely screaming when she doesn't get her way, testing, and having to have things done a certain way. I will be honest in saying that there are times that we are happy when nap or bedtime comes around, but we love or sweet, strong willed little girl, and can't imagine our life with out her!
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