Today we had her 15 month check up and everything looks great. Her Doctor wasn't concerned with the fevers she was having since they went away on their own. Dr Yin was happy to hear about all the things Emma was doing even though she didn't get to see any of them. Emma must remember our visit from a couple of weeks ago, because as soon as I put her on the table she started crying. We go back for a 18 month appointment, so hopefully no sick visits before then, and we can have a happy appointment! Emma is 32.25 inches tall (94%). It looks like no slowing down in the height department! Her weight did drop off some, but Dr Yin was not concerned. She is just under 22lbs, which puts her at 35%. I am sure once Grandpa takes her for ice cream at Sonic she will bump back up! Here are some pictures from our visit.
Our appointment was first thing in the morning, so we had to bring our breakfast with us!
I thought eating breakfast in the room would help her to see the place as not so bad, but no such luck.
All done! And she heard the magic words of "lets go bye-bye". This picture was actually taken has she was running for the door!
On the way home, we stopped by the grocery store to do our shopping. As I was putting away groceries, this is what she was doing.
She still loves to read and can now do the hand motions to "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and when we read "Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" , she shakes her finger when we get to the part that goes "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!".
1 comment:
Sonic... Yum!
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