Thursday, August 26, 2010
Congratulations are in Order!
A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Seth and Jessica who are expecting their first baby in April!!! We are all so beyond excited for you guys! This is a very lucky baby to have you both as parents. You guys are going to be a wonderful Mommy and Daddy!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
BBQ Weekend
Robert got a new BBQ for his birthday, so we decided to have the Brown Family come over and break in the new grill by having a huge bbq. As most of you know, we can't seem to do anything small when it comes to buying new things. This grill is no exception. It is a charcoal grill, gas grill and smoker all in one. Our menu for today was just as big! We decided to grill chicken, ribs, corn on the cob, and then I would make home made bake beans.
Emma and I headed to Costco on Friday to get all the yummy food. While we were there I found this adorable petti skirt that Emma just had to had. It was a good price, plus I told myself that I could use it when I started my photography business, so because of this, it found its way into our cart!
The smallest size the skirts came in where a 2T, so Emma should be able to get lots of use out of it!
Back to the BBQ. Our day didn't go as we had planned. Robert is on call this weekend, and as soon as he got the ribs out to season, his phone range. The lady didn't care what she had to pay, she wanted him out today. Since the ribs needed hours to cook, and the temperature had to stay just right, we decided to hold off on the ribs and just have the chicken. Robert got back home in plenty of time to cook the chicken, but while the grill was warming, his phone went off again. He told the guy that it would be several hours before he could get out there, so at least we got to eat and see the Browns, bur Robert had to run out as soon as we were done.
Everything turned out really good. Grilled Corn on the Cob is my new favorite and my first attempt at home made baked beans was a success. I am so sad that I forgot to take a picture of the beans. I got the recipe from the Pioneer Woman, and highly suggest it!
Here are a couple of pictures from our night!
This is how we started, but Emma wouldn't leave her headband in, so we changed to her normal bow.
Aiden has a way of finding any toy, no matter how well I think it is hidden. He found one of Emma's pool toys, and brought it out. After they left, this is what she did.
I think Robert has decided to make grilling his new hobby, so I am sure there will be many more bbques to come. Especially when the weather cools off. I think we will just have to stick to nights that he is not on call!
Emma and I headed to Costco on Friday to get all the yummy food. While we were there I found this adorable petti skirt that Emma just had to had. It was a good price, plus I told myself that I could use it when I started my photography business, so because of this, it found its way into our cart!
The smallest size the skirts came in where a 2T, so Emma should be able to get lots of use out of it!
Back to the BBQ. Our day didn't go as we had planned. Robert is on call this weekend, and as soon as he got the ribs out to season, his phone range. The lady didn't care what she had to pay, she wanted him out today. Since the ribs needed hours to cook, and the temperature had to stay just right, we decided to hold off on the ribs and just have the chicken. Robert got back home in plenty of time to cook the chicken, but while the grill was warming, his phone went off again. He told the guy that it would be several hours before he could get out there, so at least we got to eat and see the Browns, bur Robert had to run out as soon as we were done.
Everything turned out really good. Grilled Corn on the Cob is my new favorite and my first attempt at home made baked beans was a success. I am so sad that I forgot to take a picture of the beans. I got the recipe from the Pioneer Woman, and highly suggest it!
Here are a couple of pictures from our night!
This is how we started, but Emma wouldn't leave her headband in, so we changed to her normal bow.
Aiden has a way of finding any toy, no matter how well I think it is hidden. He found one of Emma's pool toys, and brought it out. After they left, this is what she did.
I think Robert has decided to make grilling his new hobby, so I am sure there will be many more bbques to come. Especially when the weather cools off. I think we will just have to stick to nights that he is not on call!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Quick Photo Shoot
I have been going back and forth on whether or not to offer Christmas Cards to friends that I take pictures of over the next couple of months. I mainly just wanted to offer the CD of images until I was "officially" in business, so I kept going back and forth when it came to the cards. I am able to get a sample pack pretty cheap, so I decided it wouldn't hurt to have them just in case. Before I could make up the cards, I had to get some pictures. So Emma and I headed out this morning for a spur of the moment photo shoot. I tried a new place out in Anthem(the one by us) that I liked a lot. It had a lot of lakes, bridges, and waterfalls. I was scared that Emma would make a run for the water, so we pretty much stayed away!

We both got hot pretty quickly. So she was excited when we pulled into McDonalds for some water!
Such a big girl with her cup!
If anyone wants me to put together Christmas Cards with pictures that they already have, I would be more then happy to do so. When it gets a little closer, just let me know!

We both got hot pretty quickly. So she was excited when we pulled into McDonalds for some water!
Such a big girl with her cup!
If anyone wants me to put together Christmas Cards with pictures that they already have, I would be more then happy to do so. When it gets a little closer, just let me know!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday Fun Day
Yesterday was a fun and busy day. We started off the morning with Emma's new class "Gym Cruisers". It is a big gym filled with balls, tunnels, trampolines, and gymnastics equipment. We play, sing songs, tumble, and run. Emma's favorite part of course is the balls. I brought my camera along, but the battery isn't lasting very long these days. I think that new little camera is moving further and further up the list!
Then we headed back over to Jessica's and Sophia's for our normal Tuesday dinner and play date. Eliana and London joined us and we all had a great time.
All the kids actually playing together!
Story time! (Emma is waiving hi to the camera in the first one.)
Then we headed back over to Jessica's and Sophia's for our normal Tuesday dinner and play date. Eliana and London joined us and we all had a great time.
All the kids actually playing together!
Story time! (Emma is waiving hi to the camera in the first one.)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Jamie's Bridal Shower
Last night, I headed out to Cathy's house to celebrate Jamie's upcoming wedding. I had a great time catching up with old friends and having a girls night. I have to admit, even though I missed Emma, it was nice to have a relaxing dinner, and be able to talk to people without having to worry what she was getting in to. Emma was able to enjoy some one on one time with her daddy. They played, ate pizza and ice cream, and Robert tried to remember the words to "Itsy Bitsy Spider"! I think it is safe to say that we all had a great night!
Me with the guest of honor
Jamie with her mom. Jamie's mom lives in Oklahoma, so it was special that she was able to make it out, and it was great to get to see her.
Me and Jessica
The girls
Do you remember this cute little guy?
Look at him now! All smiles! It was fun to get to see him and hold him again.
The Yummy Cupcakes!
While Jamie was opening presents, this was the called the "Paparazzi Corner"!
Jamie with her ribbon bouquet. As a quick side note, I don't know why the colors are so off in some of these pictures. I think it might be time to get a new point and shoot camera!
In one of the games we played, all the hostesses brought their wedding dress. We had to guess who wore which dress and the year they got married. After the games were over, Jessica had some fun putting on Eliana's dress. Is a vow renewal around the corner?!
It was a great night. A big thanks to the hostesses for having such a wonderful shower and to Jamie, I am so happy for you!!
Monday, August 9, 2010
15 Month Stats
Yesterday, Emma Grace turned 15 months. It is hard to believe that she is 15 months now, the holidays are right around the corner, and then before we know it she will be 2! She is definitely becoming her own person, and she has a stubborn streak in her! She loves to help me do laundry. She will push the laundry basket down the hall, and then hand me the clothes to put in the washer. We are working on patience, and having her figure things out for her self. The other day, we were playing with her block sorter (the type that has the shape cutouts on top) and she kept handing me the blocks to drop in the holes. I told her that she could do it, so she opened the lid and the put the block in! I guess that is one way to do it! She is running around the house, and getting pretty good at using a spoon with her yogurt and apple sauce. She is building her vocabulary, and is almost always repeating the sounds/words we make. She has started to give "high fives" and just the other day she started asking for them by holding her hand up and saying "five". She hasn't quite figured out yet that the puppies can't give her five!
Today we had her 15 month check up and everything looks great. Her Doctor wasn't concerned with the fevers she was having since they went away on their own. Dr Yin was happy to hear about all the things Emma was doing even though she didn't get to see any of them. Emma must remember our visit from a couple of weeks ago, because as soon as I put her on the table she started crying. We go back for a 18 month appointment, so hopefully no sick visits before then, and we can have a happy appointment! Emma is 32.25 inches tall (94%). It looks like no slowing down in the height department! Her weight did drop off some, but Dr Yin was not concerned. She is just under 22lbs, which puts her at 35%. I am sure once Grandpa takes her for ice cream at Sonic she will bump back up! Here are some pictures from our visit.

Our appointment was first thing in the morning, so we had to bring our breakfast with us!

I thought eating breakfast in the room would help her to see the place as not so bad, but no such luck.
All done! And she heard the magic words of "lets go bye-bye". This picture was actually taken has she was running for the door!
On the way home, we stopped by the grocery store to do our shopping. As I was putting away groceries, this is what she was doing.

She still loves to read and can now do the hand motions to "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and when we read "Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" , she shakes her finger when we get to the part that goes "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!".
Today we had her 15 month check up and everything looks great. Her Doctor wasn't concerned with the fevers she was having since they went away on their own. Dr Yin was happy to hear about all the things Emma was doing even though she didn't get to see any of them. Emma must remember our visit from a couple of weeks ago, because as soon as I put her on the table she started crying. We go back for a 18 month appointment, so hopefully no sick visits before then, and we can have a happy appointment! Emma is 32.25 inches tall (94%). It looks like no slowing down in the height department! Her weight did drop off some, but Dr Yin was not concerned. She is just under 22lbs, which puts her at 35%. I am sure once Grandpa takes her for ice cream at Sonic she will bump back up! Here are some pictures from our visit.
Our appointment was first thing in the morning, so we had to bring our breakfast with us!
I thought eating breakfast in the room would help her to see the place as not so bad, but no such luck.
All done! And she heard the magic words of "lets go bye-bye". This picture was actually taken has she was running for the door!
On the way home, we stopped by the grocery store to do our shopping. As I was putting away groceries, this is what she was doing.
She still loves to read and can now do the hand motions to "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and when we read "Ten Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" , she shakes her finger when we get to the part that goes "No more monkeys jumping on the bed!".
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Pictures from Jessica
We are still fever free! YEA!! Since we have had no fevers, we were able to head back over to visit Jessica and Sophia for our weekly get together. Jamie is at Camp Rainbow, so we missed her, but Matt's Mom is in town so it was nice to finally be able to meet her. Jessica got some cute pictures of the girls and you can see them HERE.
Emma has her 15 month Doctor's appointment Monday, so I will be back then with an update and pictures!!!
Emma has her 15 month Doctor's appointment Monday, so I will be back then with an update and pictures!!!
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