I started putting Emma's food on a plate. This lasted about 2 minutes and then she realized that she could lift the plate!

She has been wanting her teething rings every night about 5:30. Still on tooth watch!

Her hair has also been something of interest this week. (Notice no plate!) Emma has finally discovered her hair clips. She pulls them out and starts chewing on them! There has been many times that I have ran to the kitchen, put a load of laundry in, etc and come back to the entire hair clip in her mouth! Because they are a chocking hazard, she can only wear them now when we are right with her. She can't even wear them in her car seat! So we have resorted to ponys. This way, I can keep her hair out of her eyes, and she hasn't seem to discovered them yet!

Speaking of hair...this is what her hair looks like after her bath. It is getting way curlier, and if I try to comb it straight, it turns into a big wave.

This is her curls in the morning. Her hair is so fine, and because she sleeps on her belly/face, the curls pretty much flatten out. It is hard to see in this picture, but her hair is wild and seems to stick out all over, so the clip helps to tame it.
The other big thing the past couple of days is Emma is eating more and more table food and less and less baby food. So I have had to really put on my thinking cap for meals that she can eat, but still get variety and all the healthy stuff she needs. This has really opened my eyes to what food is out there. I couldn't believe how much food high fructose corn syrup is really in. Just about everything! Now I am not going crazy and saying that Emma will never have junk food, I am just being very aware and want to limit these foods. As she eats more and more table food, I am sure I will start making visits to Trader Joes, and other stores that sell more "natural" products.
Speaking of healthy food, we got our second Bountiful Basket on Saturday. It had lots of yummy stuff like broccoli, zucchini, tomatoes, grapefruit, tangelos, strawberries, apples, pears, and lettuce. I also added a 9 grain bread that is from a local bakery. It is so yummy and so much healthier then the 9 grain I was buying in the store. When I compared ingredients, I couldn't believe it. Emma really likes it also, so we will keep getting it.

The other interesting thing in our basket were pickling cucumbers. I have never pickled anything before, but thought I would try it and make dill pickles. After going to 3 different stores to get everything we needed I was ready. It seemed to be pretty easy, but unfortunately I am not really expecting them to turn out. I couldn't get the lids to seal, so I am afraid they will go bad before the process is done. Oh well. We will just have to wait and see.
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