Even though it was suppose to get up to 80 degrees today, we were only in the high 50's this morning. I don't think Emma was too happy about being bundled up and then squished in her car seat!

After a longer then expected trip to Target, I found out that Emma's Doctor's office had received more doses of the H1N1 vaccine and it was the form for her age and had no preservatives in it. So now we had an appointment for that right in the middle of her nap. Normally, this wouldn't be such a big deal, but over the last 2 months, Robert and I have been trying to figure out whether or not she would get this vaccine. After lots of research, talking with Doctors, Nurse Practitioners, and Nurses that I use to work with at the hospital, and talking things out with my mom, we decided that she would get the vaccine if it was available. Once the decision was made, I had some what put it out of my mind, and was more worried about her getting sick then I was about the vaccine. That all changed now that in less then two hours she would be getting it. It is one of those things that we are not 100% comfortable with her getting it, but also not 100% comfortable with her not. After getting some more reassurance from Emma's Doctor's office, she got the vaccine.
So now I am home with a cranky and tired baby. And then I get a call from MY doctor's office. My system is having a hard time getting back on track after having Emma and I have had to make monthly phone calls to the Doctors. Nothing serious, just more annoying then anything else. This past week, they decided to have me come in and we did some blood work on top of some other things. (I'll spare you the details). Usually when I get test results they come over an automated system, this time it was a nurse that called. I was prepared for the worse. Thankfully it is still nothing serious and we are trying a different type of medication. Hopefully that will take care of everything and there will be no more monthly phone calls. I have to say. After all the visits to the doctors while I was pregnant, being in the hospital, and everything that has happened after, I am officially sick of the doctors and medicine!
In between all these exciting events, the last piece of Emma's Christmas Dress came today. That is another thing that I have been looking at for a while, trying to decide what I wanted to get for her. When I finally picked the dress, they were out of the sweater that went with it. Luckily I found another sweater at a different store and it came today. I was anxious to see if the shade of reds would match, and they do! I love it! It is so cute and I can't wait to see her in it. I was going to hold off posting a picture of it, but I can't wait. The camera makes the reds appear a little brighter than they really are. I love that it is a bubble dress, and already have tights, shiny black shoes, and a red hair bow for her. I have to keep telling myself that I can't decorate for Christmas yet. We have to have Thanksgiving first. But the Friday after, that is what I will be doing!
So I think I can safely say that this is day is over. Emma had an early bed time tonight, and I am hoping with all the interruptions, and not much of a nap, she will sleep well tonight. We will try again for that relaxing day tomorrow!
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