Last night we went to dinner with Robert's Dad, Chris and Kevin to celebrate Robert's up-coming birthday. Gary is also getting ready to go on a motorcycle ride up to Glacier National Park so we wanted to make sure we saw him before he left. We had yummy b-b-que at Texas Road House. It was the first time we had taken Emma to an "official" restaurant and she did great! While we were eating our food, she was eating her blanket. I wish I would have gotten a picture of it! Then she took a little nap. The bathroom was probably the worse experience for her. It was a smaller bathroom, and not only did I have an audience of little girls watching me change her diaper, but every time somebody flushed or would turn on the hand dryer, it scared her and she would SCREAM because it was so loud! Thanks guys for a nice evening out! We both talked about how nice and relaxing it was on the way home!
Here are some pictures from our night.

Waiting for Mommy and Daddy to finish getting ready.

The restaurant had these slings that were made especially for car seat. It worked out great, but Emma could barely see over the table!
While we were waiting for our dinner she would either stare at Uncle Kevin, or she would manage to find the fans!
Emma and Uncle Kevin

Grandpa, Grandma, Emma, and Uncle Kevin
Our first family picture since the hospital!
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